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Position:Home>Philosophy> Optimistic & Pessimistic?

Question:Why is optimism generally thought to be the best way to look at life/things? Is not optimism skewing reality as much as pessimism? It doesn't seem possible for an "event" to be wholely good, or wholely bad if either "spin" could be placed on it. Is it possible to be a "realist" and see things for what they really are?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why is optimism generally thought to be the best way to look at life/things? Is not optimism skewing reality as much as pessimism? It doesn't seem possible for an "event" to be wholely good, or wholely bad if either "spin" could be placed on it. Is it possible to be a "realist" and see things for what they really are?

It's true that both optimism and pessimism distort the reality but sometimes people need to have faith in something in order to go on. It's true that rationalizing an event and analyzing it in terms of pros and cons is more realistic as a behavior. But imagine if people in distress (those who live in war zones or ruled by dictators etc.) started to tell themselves that considering how things are right now, it's unlikely that their situation will change. They'll live without hope but if they were optimistic they will think that change could happen in a way or an other.

Something history, science & life teach us is that ultimately good wins out over bad. Bearing that in mind, optimism helps to put you on a path where you seek the best outcomes. Pessimism will help you to fail. Optimism and pessimism are not the same as being deluded about reality.

Of course you can be a realist, but after looking at reality you can still either be optimistic or pessimistic depending on the circumstances.

i believe that they just go together.