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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can evolution and creationism ever be reconciled?

Question:if so how?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if so how?

evolution and creationism ever be reconciled? Yes.

Only dummies think evolution and creationism cant coexist. Its actually the abiogenesis that contrast the creation. Who said that god doesnt look like an ape?

NO. To believe in God is to not believe in evolution. It works the other way around as well. There is also the so called middle ground "intelligent design" but that is not doing to well either. On this point people are going to have to agree to disagree.

yep - have the dummies who believe in creationism stop their jabbering

No, evolution and creationism can never be reconciled. Evolution is a random process that obviously occurs without the direction of any intelligent agency.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

They will reconcile at a new beginning. Shoot the may reconcile with every new sunrise to move to a new sunset only to face the new day. Maybe they do it while we're sleeping I can't hear them if the do, they do it quietly shhh.....

God tired of creating and his destructive side called out to him. He decided to explode a sector of dimension G-5248173421, creating what the layman's termed a "Big Bang". In an ironic disposition, this led to the creation of an entire universe. God pouted for 7 days and 7 nights.

It's a matter of definition. Most people who are identified as creationists specifically reject any form of evolution.

There are those who believe that God created the universe, then turned it loose to evolve so it would eventually develop life. There are also those who believe that the universe and biological life evolved naturally, but that God breathed a "soul" into man when evolution reached a certain point. You could say beliefs like these reconcile evolution and creation, but they are not what is usually meant by creation*ism*.


If you look at things from a scientific angle there is little doubt that evolution plays some part in creation. Likewise if you followed the latest findings in Cosmology as I have done it is equally clear that something like our concept of God is also invloved.

Let us assume for the moment that there was a situation in or beyond time when no God or creation had existed.

If such a situation existed and the most basic rules of the logic or the universe existed it can be shown that something like a God would likely have evolved, and alongside the evolution of God something like a universe would have been created along evolutionary lines.

The general mechanisms of how this might have occurred have been pretty much mapped out by mathematicians and other scientists.

Although the evolution of the first point of space or the first thought of God can be guessed upon based on mathematical necessities, it is perhaps eassier to limit ourselves to the birth of our universe.

According to latests theries of Cosmology our universe is a living entity much like ourselves in that it has a prescribes "genetic" makeup and was born from the interaction of its parents, taking up its genetic makeup from its ancestors. As such its makeup has been influenced by evolution to maximize its suitability to its environment.

So now imagine that you are a single heart cell that is part of a larger organism such as a kitty cat or human being.

From the point of view of the cell the greater organism it was a part of would be like a god to it. We have no more of an idea of what God or the universe is thinking than a cell in your heart understands this email.

At some time our bodies will die. Similarly there will likely be an end of time for our universe. Our universe is relatively young and our existence here at this time likely plays an important part in the life of the universe because we could not have got here sooner if the universe was genetically engineered.

Like us our universe is likely a creative living person with desires and disapointments. You could call it a god, or you might see God as a creative force outside the multiverse, but our Cosmos is certainly an entity of godlike proportions.

According to science our Cosmos is also an evolved organism. If we call the universe God then we have to say that God evolved.

The bigger mystery is why thoughts and feelings came into being.

no, God is real...