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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people believe in God?

Question:It gives them something to turn to.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It gives them something to turn to.


^ ^ ^ that was a stupid answer.

to have faith in something

Because they need a 'higher power' ...

cos the word God is supposed to represent a higher power than what we can imagine.
For thousands of years - from the begginning of time - man has always believed in his creator

fear of death...

Existentialism and imagination.

We all want someone to believe in and someone we know loves us and will forgive us no matter what...

Without God we cannot live meaningful lives. satan has a lot of power in our world and the only way to resist him is with God's help. It cannot be done without Him.

beats the aliens and jedi knights theory

Because he does. Read the Bible. Christ was here 2000 years ago and historians accept he performed miracles. What is so difficult about believing in God?

We all have faith in ourselves (or at least should have) .. I suppose it is simply an extension of that to encompass all.

because they want to. wtf is it your concern if you don't?

I speak for myself. I believe because of the many experiences that I have had in my life . ....Things that happened to me No one BUT God could do. Why do you not?

Because its obiouse he's real. I mean, seriously, you think the world was created by chance? Plus the bible :)

because they can

because he is our savior and he is the one who created us ...he was the one who planned our life n who is always by our side ...he is the one who helps you wen u are down n the one who gives you another day to wake up and see the ones you love

Because they can't understand science

Because they have faith

Genetic fallacy, genetic fallacy, genetic fallacy, genetic, if you really wanted to practice discerning genetic fallacies, then this would be the web page to do it on.

everything has a reason and purpose... I believe in God because God has created me to worship him and also this life is just a test from God for the real life to come after we die.

..Look at the Domino Theory....

he created us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
go to church you will find out

because he is the creator

people need something to believe in, a hope, the prospect of life after death

For many reasons.. but I consider the most important.. The human believe in God naturally because He needs some explanations of the universe.. :)

Because some people want something to believe in.

I think people believe in God because it's comforting to know that we are not alone and that they are loved in spite of themselves.

Because Monty Python (The Wrestling Epilogue) proved that God exists by 2 falls to 1 submission.

Douglas Adams and his babel fish are further incontivertable proof.

Got your asbestos underwear ready (for the afterlife?)

(I've got mine!!!!)

it doesn't seem to mean much to anyone these days but, for me, the answer is instinct. believe me, it does at times cause great conflict within me, but i have seen nothing yet that will dissuade me. i have, however, seen and felt enough to persuade me. I believe in God.

becuz its the truth, and i was raised to believe in him. simple answer, 2 pionts! thanx.