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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you accept failure as your own fault?

Question:Never!! If I couldn't do it it was because I wasn't taught properely in the first place, others conspired against me, I was just unlucky, it was impossible in the first place!!! Need I go on . LOL
But I've got real good at failure over the years whatever excuse I make!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Never!! If I couldn't do it it was because I wasn't taught properely in the first place, others conspired against me, I was just unlucky, it was impossible in the first place!!! Need I go on . LOL
But I've got real good at failure over the years whatever excuse I make!

It's no-one's fault. Just a place that needs more work.

Of course I do. Who's fault would it be? If I failed at something, then of course it would be my own fault. Why blame somebody else?

no, there are always external factors you can't control.

I try not to accept failure at all. Rather, I try to accept consequences I did not intend.

However, I do try to own to responsibility for those consequences and try to salvage a positive eventual result in some fassion.

I'm not always as good at either as I would like to be and that is entirely my fault. ;-)

It is rare personal failure is as the result of someone else's efforts.

depending on the what the failure is, then mostly I do.

Yes I do.!!!

of course i would, it couldnt be anyone else's fault. would it?

yes, i accept failure as a regular occurrence in life

Yes, I accept the responsibility for both failure and rectifying its possible consequences. What's admirable about passing the buck; and cheating yourself of an opportunity to learn?

You only fail if you do not take the opportunity to develop and learn from the mistake you made and apply this learning in the future.

Oh, it would be fun to inject some humor at this point but I think perhaps that you are serious and need a flat and straight answer. YES !!!!! What is important is, what's next ?

not always...........not all failures can be our fault.............its simple u fail ur exam its ur fault..............but u love some one it fails as they dont love u back........its not ur fault its actually no ones fault

lots of people i know blame their parents
i blame myself x

A lot of people accept failure as my fault :P

Sometimes i don't though. I annoy myself sometimes.

Yes, if somehow I did something that caused things to come out wrong. For example, forget to set the alarm clock, or not study, or not listen. However, often, even with an optimal performance on my part I may fail, indeed, in some cases, frequent failure is to be expected. No one hits every pitch.

No, that would be nonproductive.

What is failure?

Is it a sense of being or is it just applied to a given task that one has not accomplished?

What is fault?

Is fault equal to cause, contributory factor or some other influence in relation to any event?

Does the fault lie with (s)he who attempts the task or (s)he who has the capability to obstruct or help?

Now that's enough BS for one question. Lets look at some examples.

If I set out to finish a job by the end of the day and didn't manage it, there could be several reasons why I failed. These examples are not exhaustive but are common causes of failure for my area of work.

1) Goal too unrealistic
2) Came accross a snag I could have forseen
3) Didn't work fast enough
4) Helper let me down
5) Came accross a snag I could not have forseen
6) Materials delivery let me down

1) If I set myself an unrealistic target then in a way I was doomed to fail from the outset. I could have avoided failure, or at least avoided this potential cause by correctly evaluating what I can reasonably achieve.

2) If I had thought about the job properly I could have picked up on a possible snag. Not fully considering such a snag that could have reasonably been expected has led me to plan badly and hence fail by either not allowing enough time for a job or not making the right resources available.

3) If I didn't keep the pace up though being lazy etc then I've no one else to blame but me. However if I was ill through no fault of my own (contracted a bad cold for example) and hence couldn't have applied myself fully to the job then you could argue that this is a circumstance outside my control, and whilst I am left with the failure, the fault may not be mine.

4) If I have taken reasonable steps to hire the right helper then, although the client will lay the responsibility at my feet, the root cause, and therefore fault, will lie with the helper, or whoever caused him or her to let me down (see 3 above). If I had dragged someone off the street and paid them minimum wage without assessing their capabilities and commitment etc then that is my fault for putting myself in a position where being let down is probable.

5) If an unforseen snag occurs then it is often no one's fault. To be really pedantic you could blame someone who had worked in the area before for either covering up a problem or going about things incorrectly (for example illegal installation of a gas pipe in a place where it makes no sense for it to be).

6) Materials delivery - read Helper. Again have I relied upon a shoddy outfit or a generally well performing supplier? In either case the root cause lies with the supplier but I would expect to share more responsibility if I had not chosen widely.

In concusion, when failure occurs fault does not always lie with the person who owns the task, although to a degree (s)he is expected to assume overall responsibility for the success or failure of a task.

Only if I know I did not use my head.

I picture goals this way. doors. doors all lined up with paper. Only one of those doors (lets say 3 doors) are really doorways. The others are fully lined with brick.

If you work these doors, the paper will give way so you can access the real doorway to go through.

Failure happens when
a. You run into a brick pretend door
b. You wasted your time unable to figure out that you have been working at a solid brick door.

When you are young, it is hard to figure out that there are brick doors to begin with in this game of life.

Failure is when you never find out ever.
Is it your fault?

If you did not know and you dont know now, how can you even figure out if there is someone at fault? Hello?

Definitely! And it's a sign of maturity never to blame others, and much less God.