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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is sex the main motivating factor of the human animal?

Question:Yes. Men are driven to occupy territory with strength and power so as to be more attractive, hence the constant need to dominate for mating rights, and women fluff their vanity and have incessant mind games to try to beat other women back thus not always being the most attractive, but the most subservient. These things rule our lives.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes. Men are driven to occupy territory with strength and power so as to be more attractive, hence the constant need to dominate for mating rights, and women fluff their vanity and have incessant mind games to try to beat other women back thus not always being the most attractive, but the most subservient. These things rule our lives.

the only real purpose of any living thing is to pass its DNA on to the next generation and keep the species alive. So yes, it is.

No dear. It is dominance.
Power to lord it over the rest of the species.

Survival is the main factor. Sex is contributing factor of survival, along with food, water, and shelter.

sex motivates the animal in a human so that he becomes one.
(mating instinct to reproduce) . peaceful love motivates the human sense in a human and mind so that he becomes a human.

Sex is the formula of creation, perpetual motion, conception both physically and spiritually. It is the formula of every aspect of existence, and it drives the concept of every sense or awareness. Sex is the same principle as in say playing tennis - the contact between the racket in the hand and the ball. Fishing, and the passion of the hunter hunting or a filthy rapist. Everything is conceieved by the positive and negative as one toghether. It is cold that defines hot as man defines woman. The man to man seems cold but woman to man is hot. The sames repel.
Sweet is a definition from sour or bitter.
Hot only occurs because of cold. Positive and negative are in essence the same. It is all the relative. All things make intercourse to perpetuate. Man is only a part of the order. The purpose of the order is intercourse the ultimate apreciation. Peace.

No, survival is, but sex is part of that. Sex is only the driving force of American commercials.

I think it is one of the main factors. I also think the importance of sex depends on the individual.

That and fast food.

At times yes .

no sex is just A motivating factor

I can speak for myself that I believe It's one of my main motivating factors =D

Dude, lay off the Porn. It does seriously effect your ideas about sex.Recently, I've observed that us guys, assuming you are one, go through this period where porn is very active in our life. After a while it seems like "everyone wants to have sex--that's what is all about." and "all women are just whores. Just look how they adorn themselves and strive for attention from us guys." Then, at some point, you stop and ask yourself: "while porn may be pleasurable, it doesn't necessarily make it beneficial, and I wonder if it is damaging or distorting the real concept of sex?"(if there is one). It's important that you have reasons to be doing what you are, because when you don't confusion isn't far behind. And, don't pretend like this hasn't crossed your mind, either. Later bro.

I don't know if it is THE main motivating factor but it is definitely very very important.