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Question:When life gives you lemons (fill in the blank)

*How do you handle your lemons? (:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When life gives you lemons (fill in the blank)

*How do you handle your lemons? (:

... make lemonade, and try to find a person to whom life has given them vodka, and have a party.

when life throws you lemons you.....

refuse the lemons.
demand peaches or go without altogther.

i'm not exactly sure what i mean by this, but it sounds like something i'd do.

make lemon aid

squeeze out the juice, make some lemonade...then take the seeds and plant them. have patience and allow the tree to grow...understand the tree...nurture the tree...and once the lemon tree is fruitful; harvest away.

make lemonaide or squirt lemon juice in your enimes eyes lol

Makes me appreciate the good times a little more. As far as maintaining some sort of objective attitude in front of a lemonary reality is another thing and in my case probably very badly handled.

Make Lemonaid! But don't forget the sugar(kindness, love and smiles.). It sweetens life up a bit.

Squeeze them for salad dressing.

That Ranch dressing is making you fat.

keep one for yourself if you need it- and give the other to someone who needs it more.

I make hoummos.

When life give you lemons... You can either let them spoil or get creative with them. It teaches you about life and how you handle situations. Either way it shows where your weakness lies and your strength within yourself. For me, I take the lemons and see where I need to work on and get creative to make something out of them.

When life gives you lemons you start spreading rumors that there's a lemon shortage in the country, put out a press release where you get a couple quack physicians to stake their reputations on the fact that lemons are the greatest healing discovery since penicillin. Find a prophet-for-profit guru who will swear that lemon juice is God's nectar, get the Fox News channel to say that the "Lemon Craze" is some trumped up liberal propaganda, which will get the late-night talk show hosts to make fun of Fox News for saying this, which will result in a plethora of counterculture college students putting together pro-lemon video montages on YouTube. There will eventually be a lemon special interest group dedicated to ensuring the protection and proliferation of this citrus sensation, but they'll get carried around and start assaulting people who insist on having lemon wedges in their beverages. However, the movement will get attention from political panderers hoping to sway the lemon lemming vote, and some candidate will win the election running on a platform of Hope, Unity, and Lemon Appeal.

Make lemonaid,
Thus spoke Zarathustra.