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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can we cross the ocean of life to meet Jesus, Muhammed, Moses, Budda and Gan

Question:There is no salvation without compassion for every other being. Budda

The best kind of wealth is to give up inordinate desires. Hazrat Ali

Purify your own hearts and the world will become pure. Jesus

An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Gandhi

All God's creatures are His family; and he is the most beloved of God who doeth most good to God's creatures. Muhammed

As we know Kindom of heaven is within us. How do we get rid of our ego and become one as we once were? How can we become humble, compassionate, loving, caring, detached for the world of illiusion and heedlessness? Thanks in advance for your answers. Peace and Love to you all!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is no salvation without compassion for every other being. Budda

The best kind of wealth is to give up inordinate desires. Hazrat Ali

Purify your own hearts and the world will become pure. Jesus

An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Gandhi

All God's creatures are His family; and he is the most beloved of God who doeth most good to God's creatures. Muhammed

As we know Kindom of heaven is within us. How do we get rid of our ego and become one as we once were? How can we become humble, compassionate, loving, caring, detached for the world of illiusion and heedlessness? Thanks in advance for your answers. Peace and Love to you all!

In order to achieve this, the world must rid itself of hate, crime, and greed. I don't see this happening without some sort of divine intervention, so the best that we as individuals can do is to create ourselves in the best image possible, and hope that there are others doing the same. Sometimes i wish evil and greed were not present in this world, but i can only wait until i am sent to a world where they are not present.

For each person it takes a lot of work here in our mortal life.

Great quotes.

You are well on your way through understanding. That's the hardest part for most people, even some of the most religious are blinded by their own religion. But you seem to see your God clearly in everything....the real question is how can we explain it to the rest of the world without sounding like a fanatic?

ENVY, for he who is without, is most envied, the path is long and hard for the ambitious man, who gathered all his people to the great sea of emptiness, and for without faith you will be lost, and to get your berings straight youll find yourself alone!!!
the travels to the unknown is to travel within. for he hath not commanded a law that misleads people! a man without is a driven man!!! and for he is without he is most productive... thus the question is answered!!! meet thyself first!!! and not be envious of other peoples wealth, for that barrier is and was in fact you!!!

It gets easier as we age, perhaps because we are closer to freedom.
There is a point during meditation where we fly or drift free from all the connection we normally feel to the business of living. A place as silent as snow falling.

This place exists within space and time but outside the noise and chaotic clatter , the clutter of the reality that surrounds us. We can function balanced between the two until the physical world pulls us back and makes demands.

We must take the time, make the space available to facilitate the experience but It will made your physical life richer. The memory of this place is almost as rewarding as the actuality of it, for the memory is as a promise.
This is truly a becoming.
Here you are the ocean, the mountain and the ether.Here you are home.

To meet these folks immediately, step out in front of a fast moving car.

Gandhi is the only one that wouldn't strike you down if you disagreed with him.