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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are old people so grumpy all of the time?

Question:i am 46 so hopefully not there yet..
but from what i can tell, the grumpy are grumpy partly maybe because they don't feel very well. they may have pain from an illness. they may have regrets about what they did or didnt do in their life. they also may have unresolved issues with friends or family members that they can't talk about. the times they grew up were when folks didnt really talk about their feelings and air them out. so the bad feelings are festering in their psyche. another big thing is that they have to depend on other people a lot and that is difficult especially when they were used to taking care of their own business.
sometimes they are very lonely.
on the other hand i wouldnt agree that all old people are grumpy all the time. my grandma is almost 96 and some days she seems happy the whole day.
all the best to you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am 46 so hopefully not there yet..
but from what i can tell, the grumpy are grumpy partly maybe because they don't feel very well. they may have pain from an illness. they may have regrets about what they did or didnt do in their life. they also may have unresolved issues with friends or family members that they can't talk about. the times they grew up were when folks didnt really talk about their feelings and air them out. so the bad feelings are festering in their psyche. another big thing is that they have to depend on other people a lot and that is difficult especially when they were used to taking care of their own business.
sometimes they are very lonely.
on the other hand i wouldnt agree that all old people are grumpy all the time. my grandma is almost 96 and some days she seems happy the whole day.
all the best to you!

Wait until you are old yourself and you will know, unless they have discovered how to stop aging before then. All of the aches and pains, decreased energy, declining mental function, etc. will make you grumpy too.

Some are bitter and wish they had their youth back to do it over again.

"I yam what I yam."
"Grumpy is as grumpy does."
"Come here so I can pinch your cheeks."

Because everyone expects old people to be grumpy.
Because it keeps all the annoying kids out of your yard.
Because you can.

In the words of Erma Bombeck " When I am old, I shall wear purple.."
I have not ever met an old person who is grumpy.
They are sweet and loving and kind, part of that generation that saw a world unspoiled by noise and pecularities of technology.

The perspective of time grants them the knowledge of what has been lost.

A lot of old people tend to be grumpy partly because they are in chronic pain because of the degenerative diseases of aging.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Old people aren't always grumpy. Radical feminist are always grumpy.

Why are young people so care-free?