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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do u believe in past life?

Question:Have u ever felt like u have seen this place before..
Have u ever felt some memory where u feel u have been re-born for this special purpose?
Kindly give reason whether u believe in past or rebirth or not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Have u ever felt like u have seen this place before..
Have u ever felt some memory where u feel u have been re-born for this special purpose?
Kindly give reason whether u believe in past or rebirth or not?

I do not discount the possibility of reincarnation. The evidence to support it is strong enough for me to warrant retaining an open mind.
I have considered the science around death and the physical body and have concluded that nothing is totally destroyed, or eliminated from the earth. Physical existance is infinite. All matter remains in one form or another and replenishes / nurtures future generations of matter.
Logic follows then that if matter is permenant the substance of the mind, the lighter elements such as memory, energy, and knowledge, must remain fixed within earths orbit as well.
Because the mind and its non physical contents have been freed from the body and brain at death it is not impossible that these weightless,non physical entities are reborn when in coming contact with another available and suitable body. The mechanics of a connection between a new physical body and an old mind is likely due to some kind of magnetic energy yet to be discovered..

When I think about it I have no trouble putting the pieces of reincarnation together. However, what I find truly amazing are some of the ideas that emerge with this kind of thinking .
For instance:
It is concievable that when the body dies and its physical elements become corrupt the non physical elements are loose or free upon the world. They are unable to perform in any meaningful or functional way because they are bereft of controlled movement. These spirits must do their work while connected or plugged in .

And we who are left behind still attached to our bodies continue to react to the imprints the dead have left behind. They were able to bequeath hints, clues of humanities emotional and mental permenance. Some of us are rigid, unable to absorb the possibility, and are in oposition to the likelyhood of reincarnation . Some of us limit ourselves to the physical.
here is a clue, a hint or a map left for us to follow:
Our literature, our music, our librarys and books of scientific data, our holy books all hold the records of our mental and spiritual exploits.
We have been studing the past and considering the future long enough to understand that our bodies are merely tools or toys , vehicals we use to record the life of the spirit, and the mind. What they are saying is simply this:
We are still here.

i do belive in past life.i always feel i am some body different.
my behaviour is different to all people in my family,so different that i never feel i am part of them,i feel i have some other family and somebody is waiting for me.i stay confused
as if i belong to some other place.i dont know why but i fell this not me i am somebody else.

I can't say that I have or do.

Yeah I don't believe any of that stuff.

honestly..i don't really believe in past life, it just doesn't make sense to me.

but i do have a lot of 'deja vu' moments.


sorry i don't know ! did this happened to you?

There are times where i have felt like that, but i don't know if rebirth is the way to put it. There could be a sense of spirtual activity relating to the mind also. I once had a dream of this place i had never seen in my life, i remember the buildings, the grass, hills everything and a week later i was on my way to a tech facility where i saw that exact same replica of my dream.

It's hard to say with these things not soo much rebirth that i believe in but more of a clue, something trying to point out something to be for a reason

i believe in past life. the reason, i saw a lot of question from PAYAL yesterday. and even today.

i swaer to god i was a spanish person that wear those low dresses and i carry a basket on my head filled with friuit .i had dark skin (and i have it now) and I was a really friendly person but very poor
why do i feel like this i just feel it in my heart

No I don't believe in past life & I think there is no such thing as past life.It's present what we live in,after we die we don't know whats gonna happen.

No!! but i did in a past life.
No but i thought i felt this place before??
No but i felt mammaries after i was borne!
will i definitely believe in the past

yes the same to me

you can see the movie << indian torm>>

it will show you something about it

I believe that if you focus to much on your past life or spend too much time dreaming about your next life you are probably doing a great job of mucking up your current life.

I don't believe in past lives, though I think the idea is intriguing.

Very often I experience dreams with false memories in them. I'll remember having been somewhere, or done something in the past that relates to the current moment of the dream, but those memories aren't real. I don't mean saying something in the dream that I shouldn't know, but rather I have the memory in my mind while dreaming (trippy!).Often when I wake up I still have the memory but can't place it... they just spontaneously come into being during dreams.

I don't know what causes that, but that kind of situation is probably what led people to originally believe in past lives.

I don't believe in them because I don't know what happens when we die, and because if it were true I think we'd know by now.

well not so much

I personally don't believe in past lives : )

Yes,.but only in dreams.but re-born for special purpose, not yet.

Actually i don't believe in past life ; but sometimes some such instances of rebirth come to our notice which just confuse us and compel to think otherwise

no. there is no evidence. some cases frquently come to public gaze but these are not genuine. how can one explain that the rebirth mostly takes place in the same region. after life experiences also are according to one's religios belief. only a hindu will narrate his meetig with yamraja, the hindu god of death. a christian or muslim's narration will differ according to particular religious belief. all this shows that there is no evidence of past life and there is not any life after death.

not so sure

good luck to solve this problem!

dats de jevu ..
it happenes with every 2nd person .. its got nothing 2 do with past life

I have deep feelings when I see some historical places like Humpi.Humpi visits made me to write a book on Vijayanagar.
But I didn't have any particular events run in my mind.So I can say the belief is depending on the thoughts you have and so far I didn't have.

Nope, I don't believe in past life. I believe our brain registers EVERYTHING since the moment we are born. Every single sound, view, feeling is kept somewhere in our brains. We don't have direct access to all that "information" got together during our all lifes, so the brain makes several "contacts" like if it was a machine. The feeling you mention, also called "Dejá vu"( already seen ) is nothing but one of those connections.
We saw something, we felt some scent at the same time, so years after when we feel that scent again, we might feel that feeling: Dejá Vu. Our brain just made one more of those connections.

yes i believe that i have been here at least three different times before. I actually have some memories that would play back to me in some reoccurring dreams. I know that at one time I was a bank robber in the early 1900's. That was determined by a therapist that I used to have to see. They are unable to hypnotize
me, so this is just the doctor's conclusion.
I also have met people that I shared past lives with. My boyfriend of the past 12 years was actually my wife in another time!!
I have friend who have some special abilities as well, and they confirmed my and my doctors beliefs. she also believes that i was burned as a witch during the witch trials. That would explain another reoccurring dream that I have had since I was about 10yrs.
There is no doubt in my mind that reincarnation is truth.

Yes.We must live many different lifetimes to learn all that we need to.

neither in fast nor in future.a sceptic rationalist i upto the max present is what will decide the fate of future.past is nothing but a burden which will outrun your present if you think about it.

I do believe in past lives, this may seem stupid but it's not. Sometimes I feel as if I've seen this place before, or I felt this way before, sometimes I already know something, but I've never learned it before

The mind is personal the physical is impersonal it is a mere covering for the personal the mind. the scriptur even says if I would use the term in english or rather the phrase you are gods. God is personal not impersonal. god is not the sun or moon or stars nor man this is all matter and matter is arranged according to natural order the mind is not natural and only is subject in the physical to the matter world but can easlly choose to leave the physical it has this pricipled choice.One canot not die the body returns to earth is the earth dead? The mind has nknow form you assume it took form becaue you say I have one in my womb yet who put the mind in the womb? Was it develop by the physical? If so tge mind goes back to earth but you see the body as dust what part is the mind? One never dies you have the personal and impersonal form you are expanded in the impersonal form.

yes i do belive in past life we are a gentic software and we never die i had my own experience of going thru it where i felt for at least 6 hrs that all i am doing i have done before and i was knowing what the person is going to do during that 6 hrs but that was horrfying experience for me.