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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is consciousness associated with a material brain?

Question:it seems that it must be because there is no concsiousness without our brain, but is consciousness something that is a product of the brain or the human brain accessing consciousness?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it seems that it must be because there is no concsiousness without our brain, but is consciousness something that is a product of the brain or the human brain accessing consciousness?

If we presume that there is no soul that brings consciousness along with it, then I tend to believe the following most likely scenario....

The physical brain processes the sensory inputs and creates awareness.... awareness matures into consciousness when the faculty of will gets added.... even if the consciousness may well be the outcome from the processes initiated by the physical brain, it acquires a power over the brain to direct it towards its own independent will... in other words,
consciousness takes over the rein to rule over the brain.

I believe that we are binary beings and that while we are paired with a material body at its birth we continue after it dies.

i would say subconsciuous is the one associated with the material brain because it does not differenciate Right from only does what pleases us(if we ask it to do so).
whereas our concious tells us that its wrong to be materilaitic the subconcious will not tell us so.It will only help you get there,good or bad

C-ness can travel beyond the brain. The brain is its apartment. I come home to my apartment every day, but I travel everyday. When you sleep, where does your c-ness go? When you are in an accident and knocked out, where does it go? When you die, where does it go?