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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we generally feel more at ease with people who are garrulous rather than

Question:Actually i feel very uncomfortable around loud mouthy people who just can't stop themselves. I find them (mostly) to be obnoxious, arrogant and self centred, but that's just the people i have known.

There is something serene about a quiet person - you have to get over the whole concept of uncomfortable silence though, and realise that silence is a very nice thing. Silence helps you appreciate what is around you, and who you are with - so you don't know what that person is thinking, why should that make you paranoid? Personally it simply makes me wonder at the diversity of everything, and wonder whether that person is thinking the same thing. I have connected far better to people who are quiet, who do not have to shout their words to get their message across, than with people who are constantly twittering away to the point that my brain actually shuts off and i completely loose interest in anything they actually said in the first place.

It's down to personal opinion - you make a generalisation that everyone feels more comfortable around these people when in actual fact most of us don't - i think you have to have a personality similiar to that of the garrulous person in order to feel comfortable. I'm a quiet person, and prefer people who are calm and quite, and who think things out before they say them. Most of the time when people ramble all that comes out is a jumbled mess of what is actually in their brain, without thought for what they are trying to put across.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Actually i feel very uncomfortable around loud mouthy people who just can't stop themselves. I find them (mostly) to be obnoxious, arrogant and self centred, but that's just the people i have known.

There is something serene about a quiet person - you have to get over the whole concept of uncomfortable silence though, and realise that silence is a very nice thing. Silence helps you appreciate what is around you, and who you are with - so you don't know what that person is thinking, why should that make you paranoid? Personally it simply makes me wonder at the diversity of everything, and wonder whether that person is thinking the same thing. I have connected far better to people who are quiet, who do not have to shout their words to get their message across, than with people who are constantly twittering away to the point that my brain actually shuts off and i completely loose interest in anything they actually said in the first place.

It's down to personal opinion - you make a generalisation that everyone feels more comfortable around these people when in actual fact most of us don't - i think you have to have a personality similiar to that of the garrulous person in order to feel comfortable. I'm a quiet person, and prefer people who are calm and quite, and who think things out before they say them. Most of the time when people ramble all that comes out is a jumbled mess of what is actually in their brain, without thought for what they are trying to put across.

because it takes one to know one and be comfortable with silences

Well, the one who talks can be heard and we can know, or hope to know what they are thinking... if one stays silent, how can we know they are thinking? We become paranoid and think they are thinking badly about us and the cycle starts... Then we respond to this supposed "they hate us" idea and conflict starts... out of paranoria, mind you, not any statement of fact... b/c there was no statement to begin with...

Because we can see their personalities up front instead of
having to guess at creates the kind of momentum that
usually ends up in some kind of bonding and at the very
least, fun! It's a chore to try and second guess someone's
intentions if they're not willing to disclose them. If you have
the patience to try and find out what someone's about
when they're not forthcoming, great, but I personally like
to see it in the beginning.

Because the ones who speak out and talk a lot make the contents of their minds known to others without pretense or defenses. They seem unthreatening and appear as though they want a good time, which naturally draws other in to them. On the other hand, those who are quiet can be mistaken for being unfriendly, having no social skills, or being stuck up. Looser personalities are always easier to deal with because they aren't uptight and are usually easier to get along with.

With quiet types, you have to initiate more and work harder to draw them out. Nine times out of ten, people don't want to spend the time or the effort to draw someone out. It's energy and time consuming and these people's natures prevent them from maintaining an open and friendly state. For most people, time is better spent on joining the scene. This social picture is largely how it works.

I've also found that there is only a small percentage of those who are garrulous who are actually interesting or witty. Most garrulous people utilize the scintillating power of vulgarity instead to attract attention. Listening for a while to the contents leaves one wanting to get up and pretend to be reading the bulletin boards or pretending one isn't offended by vulgarity.

Interesting question!

Oh boy, there is no dull moment for a talkative person. You see, we feel more at ease to one who are garrulous because these are people who have no inhibitions in life. It is as if they know everything, they are fond to be with because it makes a person day. Trying seating with a person on a long trip with a quiet person. The result of which will be a bad breathe for not talking for a long period of time because lips are sealed then,

It is interesting to note that chatty person are more likely to be loved because they are full of stories as if there is no ending. Any topic of sort will be entertained by these people. If you are a good listener, you will love to talk to him even if you seldom talk. What interest you is the manner they deliver their talks, it is spontaneous and as if they own the time. Having all said, there is no really a problem why they generally feel at ease with such a kind of person having this character.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

Actually I like it when others don't feel the need to talk so much in a rambling manner. Rambling is a sign of discomfort or not being at ease with someone. But most people are not comfortable with silence, I guess because they feel they need to know the other persons thoughts. Perhaps a basic insecurity.

what does garrulous mean?
Aside from that I enjoy being around those that can enjoy the silence, and I usually befriend them first and these friendships are often more fulfilling.
With words quantity is not very often a quality of its own.

I do not like all the talk, sometimes I get tired of myself. When I am excited about something in my life I am able to communicate it but mostly I would rather just listen ot others. If they are talking to fill up the empty space then I would just as soon be alone.

Do we? Actually in my real world I prefer the solid, strong and silent types! The garrulous ones give me a bad headache, while the less wordy ones fill me with peace (all other qualities remaining the same).

Now in this virtual medium we all rely on the words. Even then the ones giving long answers may not put me 'at ease'.

Its the persons of few words (clever, intelligent, humourous) that are much preferred....

Sorry, should look up this word garrulous in a Dictionary: then again, what do you mean by it? I was Air Force and was Recycled for a reason that I see now. I was one of the quite ones and my TIs needed for their safety a focus on any anger and fury that I was holding back, stressful. In their perspective I was the Dragon. Good, but coiled to strike if giving a chance for such! At the time, they wanted the Tiger. Something you know will strike and is predictable that way. This is a fact that no recruiter will admit and also my views of military service: YOU DO SERVE, IT'S IN OUR OATH!

Well, I'm very talkative so I like to be around people like me. People who are quiet make me nervous because I wonder what they're thinking about.

You probably wouldn't be comfortable around me then... I like to hold back a bit until I know you really well.

Barking dogs don't bite.

A gregarious person is letting you know who and where they are.

The quiet type might be harmless, but they might be a psycho.

Like poles repel, opposite poles attract.

Human Nature

Whenever someone goes postal and wipes out all their coworkers, his neighbors always say "He was such a nice QUIET guy".