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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can I explain that Marlow from Heart of Darkness is morally ambiguous?

Question:morally ambiguous-character that cannot be defined as purely good or evil

How can I prove that Marlow is morally ambiguous?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: morally ambiguous-character that cannot be defined as purely good or evil

How can I prove that Marlow is morally ambiguous?


Well, Marlow is a member of the gang of virtue, to which Kurtz belonged before his descent into madness. Still, he appears to show a great deal of indifference throughout the novel (I can't remember, but it also appears he's judging the people he comes across, he compares them to himself or his ideals... egocentric to a certain extent?)

He simply makes observations, he doesn't appear to better anyone's situation on his mission. This is best seen in the dining hall after Kurtz dies. Perhaps he has had an epiphany when he followed Kurtz in the night, and seen the great, mythical Kurtz as a weak, normal being?

This may not exactly be very philosophical, but perhaps you can use it.
