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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is your future directing you?

Question:if you live for the future, does that put you in the past?
if you are in the past, but the future has not arrived...
if the present is not, and the future is not
where are you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if you live for the future, does that put you in the past?
if you are in the past, but the future has not arrived...
if the present is not, and the future is not
where are you?

When I meditate, I see my fututre self, my future self is happy, prosperous, healthy, and is directing me to that present time.
I have already meditated and sent back instructions into the past memory of the present to guide myself through some hard times, I never knew how |I was finding my way when I was going through the hard times but now |I know it was me sending back instructions from the then future, the present now, to my present then, the past now.

My future calls me and I can feel it. I live in the present and let the future wash over me....that's what feels good.

Your future motivates you, your past educates you and your present regulates you.

No.Am directing my future.So am living now(present) and hoping for the future which am planning.which means that, i continue to live this every time i achieve my goal.

Past is gone, tomorrow never comes, today is all you got Make the best of it Tomorrow is the day you thought of yesterday