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Position:Home>Philosophy> Call me pessimistic.?

Question:but i don't think there can ever be peace because of how humans are.There will always a radical or an extremist of a religion or a certain cause. Then with those people there wil be others who oppose their ideas.or a group of people will want change and their will be revolution what will cause other people to fear and fight...sorry to sound like such a kill joy?

do you thing we will ever have world peace? give me your reason for why or why not

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: but i don't think there can ever be peace because of how humans are.There will always a radical or an extremist of a religion or a certain cause. Then with those people there wil be others who oppose their ideas.or a group of people will want change and their will be revolution what will cause other people to fear and fight...sorry to sound like such a kill joy?

do you thing we will ever have world peace? give me your reason for why or why not

World Peace will only come when Satan and his minions have been bound and have no effect on the inhabitants of the earth. That will happen after the 7 years or rule by the anti-Christ.

As people are right now, NO, I do not see world peace coming at all.

There will be MOMENTS of world peace. Be patient. Be hopeful.
It is the nature of the world. Like the surf. War is like the huge waves crashing to the sand. The surf does not pound the shore all the time.
We are lucky to live in an area of the world where peace has been around for many years.
Men have paid for this freedom in the last wars.
Men are paying for peace in another area of the world as we speak.
When their homelands get stabilized it will again be due to sacrifice. Then there will be peace.

Simply put... no. I don't think there will ever be world peace. In order for a world to come together as one, everyone would have to be on the same page and be in agreeance. There are too many different kinds of people - good and bad - for us to ever agree as one. There will always be those who think their ways are right, even if they go against everything humane. I strongly believe that those who hate will continue to hate and those who love will continue to love.

I wouldn't call you pessimistic, but I would call you dubious. You assume that there will always be radicals, extremists and religious causes.

Believe me, as time goes on these things come and go. The deal is world peace. We will have world peace, but it will not happen during anyone's lifetime until people agree to stop fighting.

People will not agree to stop fighting because people like to believe that they are right and those who think themselves right want to make everybody else right too.

This is an epic continuum.

It will end in peace.

Kill 'em all to stop the violence.

Extreme of anything is bad.... total world peace will put us all to sleep and that would render us less alert to lurking dangers. Differences and disturbances contribute to progressive changes, provided they are channelized for fresh thinking and not allowed to overtake us emotionally.

There will never be peace. And what you mentioned are correct, those are the few factors that there cant be peace.

Everyone have different aspect, perspective, intellect, ways of dealing things, and persona. When people are faced with a question that does not necessarily have a correct answer but a few ways of dealing, there is no chance that everyone will choose the same path. And when it comes to choosing the path for your own people, it gets even worse, because the path finders will conflict each other because they think their path is the right path. Even though there will be a one person who dictate, the doesnt guarentee that others will not object.

I personally find world peace impossible, but i do find peace within ourselves that are governed by our mind possible, which means we can achieve peace for ourselves.

yes peace is possible, we just need to learn how to understand eachother and get rid of religion, government and prejudice and we are in a world of peace :D

A human that has quieted their mind can find peace. Peace outside of us may exist....maybe the world is perfect, but we as the perceivers are not at peace so we can't see it. You seen in others (things) as what is in your self. Peace and lack of peace may be projections.