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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is life all about ???

Question:just tell me your point of view ..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just tell me your point of view ..

What it seems like- spend the whole time working and going to school just to make more money than the people around you.

My view- it should be fun- you only live once. You should take those once in a lifetime chances and hold the people you love tight. Never regret anything because before you know it it could be gone. Smile and be happy. Life is the time you get to make a point about who you are. Life is about learning and making yourself.. you. Be different.

I love when people ask me this question. I'm optimistic about life.

It's ajoke. And the joke is on us. It's a popularity contest, that's all.

The one who has the most goats wins!

Absolutely meaningless, unless we actually get up off our @55 and do something.

Reaching your full potential and helping those who cannot help themselves to make their lives worth living.

it is different for every person, for me i have not yet figured it out, but i believe that when you are older and have experieneced your life, you then know what it was all for and what it meant.

The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way...if you don't, you will find an excuse.

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keeping from themselves.

Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.

Simple question, You and all living things, including vegetables are: Born. grow, reproduce and die.

Is the same answer for every person: life is a search for happiness. The difference in each person is the definition of happiness and the way to get it.

what's it all about, alphie?
Just one point of many points of view...