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Position:Home>Philosophy> Am I man dreaming I am a butterfly? Or a butterfly dreaming I am a man?

Question:Lao Tze's quote. He didn't know the answer..but since I dream of many things...I am probably me, not all those things that I dream of.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Lao Tze's quote. He didn't know the answer..but since I dream of many things...I am probably me, not all those things that I dream of.

I forget.. is this one of Camus's quotes? Maybe not... but either way, just thinking about this will drive you insane!

An excellent question that man lacks the capacity to answer.

You're a man who smoked too much wacky backy I suspect....

You are definitely a man. Butterflies don't dream

Butterflys don't speak English or type so I must inform you that you sir are a man. A lucky man by the sound of things.

Butterflies don't write questions for YA. They can't type or use computers or the internet. Sorry you're confused about this. I'd really like to know a literate butterfly.

Well, i don't know if butterflies dream, but one thing am sure is that man dreams.Which means that you should be a dreaming man and not a butterfly.though you can dream that you are a butterfly...