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Position:Home>Philosophy> Introduction to diary?

Question:What do you think??

"In my life, I have expirienced many things, which I do not understand, or that of which I completely understand. We see things that marvel and amaze us, blind us and memories we cherish and hold forever. I cannot understand everything. That is the one thing I will deem impossible. Comprehension is one of the hardest things in this world, and we are not left to do it alone. We will always have others, people who we trust. Those who do not trust, cannot understand. Some say that the meaning of our being is to wander how we got here, but never 100 per cent understand why. Until we reach death, some believe, we will never know. I can understand this, however: The vain live for themselves, the giving live for others and the rest of us, being of neither label, live to wander around the world, in and out of every obstacle. Noted further in this leather-bound black book, my feelings and honest opinions come to hand. Open and read- perhaps that is why you are here?"


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What do you think??

"In my life, I have expirienced many things, which I do not understand, or that of which I completely understand. We see things that marvel and amaze us, blind us and memories we cherish and hold forever. I cannot understand everything. That is the one thing I will deem impossible. Comprehension is one of the hardest things in this world, and we are not left to do it alone. We will always have others, people who we trust. Those who do not trust, cannot understand. Some say that the meaning of our being is to wander how we got here, but never 100 per cent understand why. Until we reach death, some believe, we will never know. I can understand this, however: The vain live for themselves, the giving live for others and the rest of us, being of neither label, live to wander around the world, in and out of every obstacle. Noted further in this leather-bound black book, my feelings and honest opinions come to hand. Open and read- perhaps that is why you are here?"


very well-written.

are you planning to bury it and have someone open it in a hundred years? =]

Youre inviting to read your diary? I would kill the person who dare to do it...

Stubbs O.... The reason we are here is to serve the Lord. The reasons that we don't understand is because we don't have the wisdom, spiritual eyes, and we listen with our earthly ears. We can actually see with the heart, and hear with spiritual ears. The rest is up to us to seek the wisdom for which we don't understand. A blind person sees the beauty with the heart, a deaf persons hears with their feelings. Wisdom for understanding comes from asking the Lord for the knowledge we lack or seek. The leather bound black book you describe is the bible, and holds every answer we seek. As you say open and read- perhaps that is why you are here as you state! Good Luck God Bless!