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Position:Home>Philosophy> Am I going crazy in a sane world or sane in a crazy one?

Question:I was clinically diagnosed with "double depression". They (doctors) say I "suffer" from "chronic depression" with episodes of "major depression". A month ago I tried to end my own life. I find there is not point to life. I find no joy in anything to do with life. I find life boring and mundane. I find it is the same thing over and over, day after f*cking day.

My question; Am I going crazy in a sane world, or am I going sane in a crazy one?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was clinically diagnosed with "double depression". They (doctors) say I "suffer" from "chronic depression" with episodes of "major depression". A month ago I tried to end my own life. I find there is not point to life. I find no joy in anything to do with life. I find life boring and mundane. I find it is the same thing over and over, day after f*cking day.

My question; Am I going crazy in a sane world, or am I going sane in a crazy one?

You are more likely "sane" in a "crazy world", the simple fact that you ask the question.................. to me, indicates that you see the insanity of it all, and cannot help but to question it.
I think that if we are all not depressed at some level, that's an indicator of someone who has really lost touch with reality. This world is insane, and yes, mundane and depressing as hell, I have a difficult time with depression myself (*because I'm sane) I have to dig pretty deep some days just to find a reason to "be". All diagnosis's and pharmaceuticals aside, in the end (at least for me) it's about deciding that I want to be happy in this fairly miserable world.
I do hope things get better for you, sincerely.

You are going sane in a crazy world.

The next step is to stop doing the same things over and over.

This creates the idea that you find no joy in anything to do with life. You find life boring and mundane because you do the the same thing over and over, day after day.

Time for a change.

Love and blessings Don

well, the lines b/t the extremes in mental health are sideby side close... however, I would offer a suggestion for the depression... reach out, not in... volunteer and see that your life isn't as bad as someone else's... Schools have volunteers not just soup kitchens... Help someone else and see if this if this doensn't improve your outlook as you find your worth...They say "no man is an island to himself"... I would re-work that to : no man/woman SHOULD be an island to him/herself.... we are a team, we work together. Alone we accomplish little, together, we are limitless. something to ponder anyway...

I'm sorry that you tried to end your life, but as long as we are throwing out philosophical questions, How do you know that you are going sane or crazy in any world?
What if the life you find no point to, Is just a dream or someone Else's imagination??

Well to answer your question, We are all crazy in a crazy world, your just a little bit crazier..

You need a psychiatrist/psychologist.

I think you are going sane. At least you know where you are at this moment. If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same result. I agree that now is the time for change. Step out of the box & make life more exciting.

We are all crazy in one way or another. Come on and join the fun of living young one! You can't change the world so change yourself. Start by going for a walk. Or do something practical like cleaning up the kitchen. Volunteer at the nearest animal shelter. They always need help and the dogs and cats would benefit from your kindness. Good luck and God bless.

Don't worry about it really. there's still plenty of psychiatric hospitals to lock you up in, either way.

Your going sane in a crazy world. You know your problems and try to fix them. Not the right way, but nethertheless your trying. There are many things to have joy in, you just need to relax. Maybe take a trip somewhere where you don't know anyone, anything. A nice trip to a cabin in the mountians, a nice condo on the beach, a nice cottage in the woods. Or just a nice hotel. You have come to the point where 'you' have to make yourself happy. No one else can. Gradually do that, and gradually things will come. I wish you the best of luck!

You are going crazy in a crazy world....sometimes the meds work sometimes the meds work you. Try a day without the meds and see who you really are. Everyone gets down and out sometimes, getting back up is the hardest part, but that what lifes about. The strongest of us got that strong from all the excercise of picking ourselfs up off the ground so many times.


Your craziness is the insanity of the world.