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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you live your life knowing that you will one day die?

Question:to the fullest?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: to the fullest?

Just live life life day by day and let GOD take care of the rest!

Yes.and one day at a time

I have no fear of dying. I just live my life for my Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible has everything I need for life, and I can't wait for his return or when he calls me to be with Him forever. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Of course not. I realize that I will one day die, but it's never really on my mind. The only thing that really matters is now. This second, right as you read this. What you can do now. How you can make someone happy, or how you can show someone you love them.

Eh, it doesn't really affect the way I live.

I think that you shouldn't care when you die 'cause when you do you won't even know what happened to you. You won't even care whether you got to fo on that trip to Europe that you always wanted or lived to see your grandkids 'cause you'll be dead!!

Live each day as if it is your last. We are not promised tomorrow. Be positive and look at the glass as half full not half empty. don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself. We all will die someday. Just don't dwell on that and serve the Lord with all your heart and all your soul.

Im glad and yes, because at the same time I know that the evil people in the world will also die, We are only human after all. If I die, I will take all the evil with me.

times a waste of life and lifes a waste of time, so just get wasted and have the time of your life

Likkke I'mm gonnnnna livvvvvvvve forevvvvvvvvvver.

I buffer it out with distance emotions that I can't get a handle on since they're unconscious. If I were really aware I would either be stark raving mad because I knew that I was going to die and don't know anything beyond that, or, in my higher awareness, I would center on the here and now and just forget about being "me" and having an ego that, of course, would be concerned about it's death, and look at myself and it's worrying over death as a natural reaction to thinking about coming to an end and just forget myself because it's a waste of time and energy that doesn't matter, because the only thing there really is is the reality of the present.

U just try to do the best u can and try to be as happy as u can as difficult as that may sound.Dont think about the dying think about the living and what u can do to make it better for urself and if ur an even better person how u can make it better for others as well.

i love my life yet still afraid of death.. i need more confidence about being a good person before meeting The Creator. it's better to try living it the fullest i guess..

I can't live successfully, thinking I will die and be dead forever. I have to believe there is life after death. And some books like the Bible, testify to this.

Dying is inevitable, I could die tomorrow or 20 years from now.
I try to live each day to the fullest, but some days I do not. Some days I squander away and don't do much of anything, but then again I don't feel guilty for doing that either.

Some days I do so much I get mentally exhausted and need a break, I want to enjoy life as much as I can, but I also help people when I can too.
Each person is different, some may say that a person who spends most of their day reading is wasting their time, but that book may be the topic of conversation 2 days from now and you just may have brighten up someones day or convinced someone to read it, so how was that a waste of time?
Each person I think lives their live, in a way which makes others happy, but they also make themselves happy too

i live my life to the fullest. i run around and along the people who live their lives as well. i go by the "flow" as you might say. cause life? it's a cycle. there's nothing new.

I think I live my life a lot more fully and eventfully know that I'll eventually die than if I lived it knowing that I'd never die.

For whatever that's worth.


Know you die lifts a great weight off your shoulder. If you lived forever it would inevitably mean that you would get to try EVERYTHING.
Being mortal means we have to choose what to do, and what not to do.