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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will I marry?

Question:I'm not expecting for you to answer my future, but
My friend once asked me if I ever want to get married?

I said, "no." That I would never like to get married at all, BUT I knew in my heart that I do.

I'd rather say "no" because I don't want to appear desperate or needy that I am looking for someone or wanting to get married.

My Q is why should I say "yes" I'm looking to get married, when I just don't see it happening? Does that mean I'm negative or just denying myself. Your thoughts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not expecting for you to answer my future, but
My friend once asked me if I ever want to get married?

I said, "no." That I would never like to get married at all, BUT I knew in my heart that I do.

I'd rather say "no" because I don't want to appear desperate or needy that I am looking for someone or wanting to get married.

My Q is why should I say "yes" I'm looking to get married, when I just don't see it happening? Does that mean I'm negative or just denying myself. Your thoughts?

I am a firm believer in the quote....

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
– Frank Outlaw

So, be careful what you say or else your life will end up that way....

I think you are being negative and denying yourself. If you truly want to get married, don't tell anyone (including yourself) that you don't. If you want to get married, you need to focus on that goal and start making choices to help you achieve it.

you can say, yes it's a possibility but not a priority. who knows, maybe your friend would set you up with the love of your life.

Well to me, if you really want to get married deep down then SAY you do. Dont give off an impression that isnt accurate.
Speaking from experience, I have always wanted to get married and be with one special person the rest of my life. And sure enough, I am married.
However, I met this guy once who was an AMAZING guy but right off the bat he acted all cool and told me "I dont want to ever get married" and immediately I was turned off. I knew what I wanted, and he knew what he wanted, which was fine - but this was enough for me to not really want a relationship with him.
So by telling people you dont want to get married, alot of women that DO want to get married will probably back off.
Just because you dont "see" it happening, doesnt mean it wont. You just havent met the right person yet.
If you really dont WANT to get married, then its fine to tell people that because it will let women who DO want to get married know where they stand.
I hope this helped!
Good Luck with whatever you choose to do!

You will be married, and then divorced...and within two years you will remarry and it will work.

you should be honest about it. you could possible turn away someone (interested in you who wants to get married someday) if you always say no. I'm not sure myself about the whole marriage thing because no one seems to really commit to it anymore, they just divorce now days. But if I were asked I would say I'm open to it but unsure if I ever actually will. I think that when the right person comes along, you'll know.

Marriage isn't a title
its about commitment and love.

Well I know in my heart I dont but whats the point of saying I do other than to use it to my own advantage as all human beings seem to do!

I think saying no when u want to say yes is just fear
I have the same fear, not so much of never walking down the isle.. i have a fear of never finding someone who likes me enough to stick around

I grow tired of the changing faces or to use an old analagy that is more apt... the busses that never stop.

So Why should u say yes. I dont know if that matters so much as this feeling of doom and inevitability that makes u say no.

If answering yes engenders hope and a positive feeling instead of that dark one. Then say YES. If saying No seems safer and gives you the element of surprise... the ole sneakeroo then damn them all and say NO.

My point... the answer u choose is really just for your own sake and self motivation... and it must always be from a position of not giving up!

Givinging up is just as hard as not giving up!

Between the firm words 'yes' and 'No' there is a gulf. If you take both on a scale of 100, you can safely be between 30 and 70 and need not always be at 1 or 100 or for that matter cling at 50. Hope it is clear. You need not make up your mind and be ready with an answer unless the situation naturally matures!

"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
"What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew about Women," Dr. James Dobson,
"Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti," Bill and Pam Farrel,
"For Men Only" and "For Women Only," Shaunti Feldhahn,
"Sacred Psychology of Love," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.

I like what Twinkate said.

I would definatly say your denying your thoughts. I think the more you put that out into the universe the more it will not come to you. So I truly believe if you accept your thoughts and build on that you will build a strong future in a married relationship and family. Mabye not now (which is fine]) but in the future. Why would you not see it happening? Do you not see it happening now? that is normal.

You will marry WHEN you find the person that makes you happy.


The love of my life hates when I say this... but there is one constant in the universe: That constant is CHANGE.

Tell people you don't intend to marry unless the right person comes along. There's nothing wrong with being single. A person would be crazy to marry just because it is the thing to do.