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Position:Home>Philosophy> Electricity Between 2 People (Religious Q)?

Question:Is the electricity between a couple have to do with the souls, or something deeper like the HOLY SPIRIT and God trying to unite them in some way?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is the electricity between a couple have to do with the souls, or something deeper like the HOLY SPIRIT and God trying to unite them in some way?

On the average no! The endorphins of the brain have a lot to do with it! The brain gives off chemicals when we meet people who are attractive or not attractive. It is how the body interprets and likes the endorphins of the other person. If the chemistry is right, good for you! The Creator made us this way!

None of the above.


The heart has 3x magnetic field stronger than the brain. If someone is within 3 feet of you, you change the way thier brain act because of your hearts field. The heart has its own intrinsic brain and actually classified as a hormonal gland producing 24 different enzymes for the 24 different feelings we are able to produce....HEART=TRINITY