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Position:Home>Philosophy> You are always disappointed ?Y/N?

Question:Disappointments will come and go its what you do with them at the time....I take disappointments as a wholesome challenge dissect it and to focus on what good can come of it. I better myself not to dwell on negativity.
.....To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come .true.....

so to answer No not always....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Disappointments will come and go its what you do with them at the time....I take disappointments as a wholesome challenge dissect it and to focus on what good can come of it. I better myself not to dwell on negativity.
.....To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come .true.....

so to answer No not always....


No way! Even negative situations can teach us lessons so that we can grow into mature, thinking, responsible adults.

No. Once you get rid of all expectations, everything's a bonus.


Nope, being a naturally positive person, I like to use what others may see as bad experiences and learn from it. I sometimes get disappointed but it doesn't make me angry or get me in moods or anything like that, I am just determined to try better the next time.

Sometimes you can't help disappointment, you may get lousy teachers *coughMissJacksoncough* who are unfair, but you aren't stuck with them forever.

no...sometimes it can happen but not every time...i always try to make my life positive.

no I try not to be. I swear Im trying not to be a cynical person, so far, Im doing okay.


No, because I always expect anything

No, not always.

Not always disappointed, but sometimes yes. Especially if my expectations exceed my realizations.

People forget that we are human being with wants and needs and if we see other people doing well or getting what they want then yeah most people get disappointed.

We also got to consider the world isn't fair and can be pretty messed up, but you have some how got to keep a stiff upper lip and continue to aim for what you want, but yeah at times I am disappointed. Even if there is something to learn from it, there are things that absolutely baffle me and I feel nothing more can be done about the situation.