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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you write down your dreams and aspirations?

Question:Yes I do, and even though the people above me said theirs are going down the drain, I'm still going to keep believing yet I'm still young. But I believe if you write the vision make it plain it will happen.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes I do, and even though the people above me said theirs are going down the drain, I'm still going to keep believing yet I'm still young. But I believe if you write the vision make it plain it will happen.

Not any longer...I simply cross them off my list,as they float down-stream,out of reach.

no.. i make mental notes!! ;)

I did but no longer.. i had dreams but they have all gone as of today...

yes, years later you can read it and remember them



I used to, when younger. Now I have fewer of both, and deal with them immediately if not sooner.

No as a matter of fact I do not nor have I although there were times that I would have liked to have done so that I could have remembered them.


yes...but then i have to work on it ...otherwise it will be like boat tied to the river bank will not be able to go matter how much you row.

Be successful in life.

I actually do.I am a college student and on my wall I have 4 notecards each with my different class info on them and my short term goals for the semester and then the longer ones as in what I ought to get by the end of the semester. This helps keep me on track when I want to slack or be lazy and reminds me why I am here at school as well as it reinsures my aspirations. I have journals and diaries even though I am in my 20's yet sometimes I find that writing things out and down such as in those-journal and diary-is therepeutic and that when one is confused about some ideas,goals,feelings,they can read their diary to see exacty the answer to their question. My aspirations I write down yet with time they have changed in some way or shape.