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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the difference between Fantasy & Imagination in goal setting?

Question:Usually persistence is the only determining factor Rita.

I have at times turned my fantasies into reality against what seemed to be insurmountable odds.

A couple of times I even shocked myself.

You are only limited by your ability to dream.

Love and blessings Don

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Usually persistence is the only determining factor Rita.

I have at times turned my fantasies into reality against what seemed to be insurmountable odds.

A couple of times I even shocked myself.

You are only limited by your ability to dream.

Love and blessings Don

Fantasy is more of daydreaming. I mean, kind of negative towards goal setting.

Imagination, on the other hand, is positive and much more objective towards any goal setting.

Fantasy is your imagination working overtime.. Imagination to me is just a fantasy.. they are one in the same..

The two are proximal, except fantasy has not as much ado with making practical and possible the aim sought, whereas imagination is the very underpinning of solidity -- imagination is the language of the Soul that is the individual, before intent comes to the mind to be rendered in thought and word, then given over to the hands and feet to carry into reality.

The mind does not know the difference from outer life vs inner life. That is why creative visualization is so effective.

Fantasy is a $300,000 car and you only make about 30k - 40k a year.

Imagination is a collection of thoughts that could possibly be obtainable.

You can use imagination to construct a fantasy of where you would like to be, and when. Then you can examine it to see what it tells you. Then you can use imagination, with information, to devise a means of achieving what you've defined as the goal. For instance some might say they want to be a pop-star, or a writer - but examination might show what they really want is public adulation, or lots of money, or the satisfaction of experiencing life vicariously, in private. Fantasy is a construct. Imagination is a tool.

Human consciousness comes into the world as a flaming ball of imagination....everything invented by human beings, physical or mental.... is the fruit of someones imagination...
others fantasise with this powers of imagination...fantasy should play a key role in moral understanding and exploration of feelings and emotions.

In fantasy you think just for not having intention to achieve it. But in case of imagination you paint the picture what you want and you make efforts to achieve it.

There really is truth to the fact that if you set your mind to something you can achieve it. It all comes down to how bad you want it. Fantasy or imagination by definition are not true roads to reality, yet they can lead you to your destination none the less. Most of our technology today started out in fantasy. Read HG Wells or even watch a star trek series. If we don't dream it we will not build it!

Towards goal setting, that is, in the process of the goal to set goals, the roles of the imagination are much broader than those of fantasy. Fantasy is a function of the imagination that facilitates the imagination's capacity to assist the mind's choosing of goals and strategies for goal realization. Among the imagination's fantastical perceivings are short-term "fantasies" and long-term actual fantasies. We can realize certain short-term fantasies which are actually realities in the long-term; these are the children of the reproductive activity of individual imaginations. Actual fantasies are imaginings that in the long-term cannot ever and will never be realized into more than fantasy; these assert their realized existence as actual fantasies at the moment that certain natures becomes incapable of further productive activity. Actual fantasies are like childless mid-wifes who assist in the imagination's reproductive process.