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Question:If you get bad vibes when you're around someone,is it a warning?What do they mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you get bad vibes when you're around someone,is it a warning?What do they mean?

Vibes is a way of talking about emotional response. We have a lot more emotional responses in a given day or even in a given minute, than we keep track of. But sometimes we feel instantly drawn to someone or safe around someone or uncomfortable around someone, even afraid of someone, and we dont' know why, can't point to any certain thing they did or reason why we should feel tthat way. But we do.

Yes, listen to them. Our emotions are far wiser than our brains and it's a pity and a waste that we don't pay more attention to them in our culture.

It could be it is your mind or body that is telling you something is not right here...."be cautious"

It's a model of Pontiac.

yup! vibes...short for vibrations... everyone vibrates... they give off signals and waves of expression to let you about themselves without words..
The body vibrates... it vibrates one way in pleasure and another in pain, another at rest, another at alertness and attention, another in fear....
It's the hidden music of the world...

It's just a feeling you get. I guess like a gut feeling about something. I don't know whether it can be a warning or not. It depends on how much you trust that kind of... intuition? I guess you could say... And I suppose also depends on how often it's right...

Can be. At least be alert. Your intuition or Higher Self is guiding you.

Every one and every thing has vibrations, even non-living things have vibrations.
When you get "bad vibes" from a person or a place, that means that there are too many negatives within that person or place. These negative vibrations will affect you if you don't take steps to protect yourself or just get away.
You can develop your "vibration recognition" through practice.
This is also called instinct or intuition. Listen to it, it's usually right, anyway that is the case with me.