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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is life so ordinary?

Question:life is only as ordinary as you make it... you are the author and conductor of your life, is this your choice, if not, make a change, make it better, make it extraordinary... its up to you...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: life is only as ordinary as you make it... you are the author and conductor of your life, is this your choice, if not, make a change, make it better, make it extraordinary... its up to you...

well life is a coloring book...YOU would have to fill in the color

life isn't ordinary, life is a gift, an incredible one at that... look at everything we have access to! Computers, cell phones, Ipods, clothes, education... think about the way we can talk, walk, love, hate, communicate, dance, learn, sing!
life is only ordinary if you make it... go out, do something fun and make something of your life! Or you could just be happy with what you have and live an ordinary life, but be amazed by the little miracles that life brings each day...
ok i didn't beat the other answer

There are really two answers to this.

1. It's your fault- if you made choices that were more brave and spontaneous, your life could be crazy.

2. It's the government's fault- they purposefully put obstacles between us and our natural life cylce so that the only way we can be content is by being productive enough to surmount those obstacles. We are hampsters running in wheels while chasing cheese.

Because you stay within the same behavioral pattern.

Try changing them.

Love and blessings Don

life is what you make it, you are an open book to write your own story.

That's what life is: Ordinary. Now, it's all up to us to make it extra-ordinary.

Your not really in touch with what is happening are you?
What world are you living in? The last time I checked,...

The rainforest which stood for millions of years is being cut down for the first time in the history of the planet.

All old breeds of animals and plant varities are becoming extinct, in the world of farming, and made illegal. Governments are making Natural seeds illegal, forcing farmers to grow strictly Genetically Modified Plants. This means soon all the food you'll eat will be
%100 cloned and Genetically Modified, sooked in chemicals and with no choice of other foods.

People in America are facing a Morgage crisis and economies are plumiting. This problibly means a world wide Depression which will be twice a worst than the last one.

...sorry, but life is not ordinary,..not in today's world.

My life has been anything but ordinary.I could tell you some things that would really get ya going.Must take chances and adventures,try new things.Don't ever let yourself become one of those people that have to say "what if" or "if I would have only done..".

Try to live outside of your comfort zone at least once in awhile.This is not to say to go jump off a cliff,unless you are wearing a parachute.

If you think of life as ordinary, I advise you to watch one of my favorite films, "American Beauty". It is about the extraordinary that exists within what seems ordinary. I cannot explain it any better that the film can, so I'm not going to try.

Because you are not focused on the extraordinary. When I was a child, there was a beautiful flowering bush where numerous caterpillars made cocoons. I often sat and studied them, watching them move inside, wondering what magic was taking place.

As time passed, the shell changed from opaque to translucent, reveling the markings of the butterfly tucked snugly inside. Eventually, this living miracle of change slowly emerged. Then it leisurely dangled, spread it's beautiful wings, airing them to dry. Finally, it rose and glided into the air. I can't tell you how many I watched, but it never failed to impress.

We experienced many moves and problems came. I eventually found myself with a family, working many long hours, feeling unappreciated and alone. In the passage of time, I somehow lost the magic of my youth… for awhile.

But magic isn't really gone, only forgotten. I feel it again as I watch the squirrels play, eat, and just benefit from what's around them. As a child, my father showed me things like the praying mantis and ‘doodlebug’ (I read it’s actually called an ant lion). I spent hours watching such things. And I find great joy doing so again… and watching butterflies still lifts my spirits.

Life is what we make it out to be!