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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do our senses constrain us?

Question:Or do they liberate us?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or do they liberate us?

They constrain us, but they do not have to. They constrain us if we allow them to determine our reality. If and individual chooses to recognize the limitations of the senses, but indulges them by choice, it is not constraining. However if we are blind to those limitations that is when it becomes constraining.

They liberate us, attempt living life without them =]

They provide at least some content to exist upon. Without any senses we wouldn't even have anything to think about.

Kant said something like: Concepts without percepts [senses] are empty.

Depends on if you believe in the minds eye, really.

They say the minds eye can free all senses, personally though I don't believe in such hoo-haw.

Yes I did say hoo-haw.

Where the answer really lies is within you, do you think your senses constrain or liberate?

Perhaps both? The thought of going through life without them is nightmarish, as another person implied before me, but I imagine that there are any number of things which human perception and intellect can't adequately explain or account for.

I don't think so I mean they are just receptors. I think it is our perceptions that can constrain us if we let them.

No,and I think of Helen Keller; with the ones she still possessed she was liberated.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the
overcoming of it......Helen Keller Evie