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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we learn love or its by instinct ?

Question:By instinct, but we learn how to use it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: By instinct, but we learn how to use it



I feel like its learned because how else would we know what it is?

Well your question presupposes that LOVE exists. Which most likely it does not.
It seems it is some sort of lust mixed with instinct to procreate in a cocktail of chemicals.
So, love starts out as lust, always, then we learn to remain with a partner and learn to respect them and understand them and, thanks to religion, we often decide to stay with that person for life - even though the human species is very unlikely to be truely monogamist.
So, the answer is two parts: the first stages of what you call 'love' turns out to be instict; the second stage is learned through the expectations of social norms.


To love and be loved at its elemental level is instinctual. The way we love and what love we seek in others is learned.

It's instinctive darlin, but ... you have to learn how to cultivate and work on love. Just because it comes instinctively does not mean that raw love is good, you have to temper it with knowledge and wisdom. Otherwise you have a weak heart, and a weak heart cannot love strongly enough.