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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why would a philosopher use anger and violence as the final solution?

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Quite simply because anger and violence quite often are the FINAL solution.

To pretend otherwise is to ignore the fact that lions have teeth.

Try that in a savanna sometime and see how far it gets you.

wouldn't be wise.

a real philosopher would never use anger and violence as the final solution...............if he does tat i consider him not as a philosopher but as a loser

Maybe he's not that good of a philosopher. Or maybe the philosophical book he's writing couldn't finish off any other way without it. All good stories finish off with a boom, even the Al Gore books and Biblical texts (Revelations is very apocalyptic, and the Bible is very philosophical). Maybe not what you are looking for but a good philosopher could make the final solution violence and anger in any old book to portray the ignorance of man...maybe.

To what problem? A bear attacking you? Or famine in India?

He would not use anger or violence! He would walk away from such a situation! He who loses control of his emotions has already lost the battle. Anger and violence begets anger and violence! What you sew is what you reap!

Probably the same reason that Hitler, upon being told he was losing the war, said, "OK, no more Mr. Niceguy!" (It's a JOKE, by the way!!! So don't get your knickers all in a twist!)

Frustration, fear, rejection, poor impulse control? Because they are human and have the same impulses the rest of us do. Being a philosopher does not cut out our desires, it makes us pause a bit more but really anyone can justify and rationalize their actions and desires.

Case in point the Milgram experiment