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Question:I am tired of being set up by friend of men that are either alcoholics, jobless, gay, gamblers, or divorcees with a tons of baggage and a couple of kids, and a lot more.

God, I am a good person virtuous, and try to lead the correct path in life, and waiting for the right one. Unfortunately at 42, it doesn't seem like this will happen as these quality men are being introduced to me or "bump" into me. I tell my friends that I am religious and looking for a man with morals and respect not someone who is bad and looking to be conformed as they think.

God, what are you trying to tell me and teach me about these men? That all men are good ? Or is something wrong with society today? Where is goodness or a man that treats a woman with respect and dignity? Tell me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am tired of being set up by friend of men that are either alcoholics, jobless, gay, gamblers, or divorcees with a tons of baggage and a couple of kids, and a lot more.

God, I am a good person virtuous, and try to lead the correct path in life, and waiting for the right one. Unfortunately at 42, it doesn't seem like this will happen as these quality men are being introduced to me or "bump" into me. I tell my friends that I am religious and looking for a man with morals and respect not someone who is bad and looking to be conformed as they think.

God, what are you trying to tell me and teach me about these men? That all men are good ? Or is something wrong with society today? Where is goodness or a man that treats a woman with respect and dignity? Tell me?

Hello J. first off, let say this to you! You have to love yourself first and foremost.Religion teaches us that we are lower than the ocean and heaps guilt upon us! When you can truly understand that you are a representative of the Creator and are worthy of love, then love will flow to you. I didn't see a word about prayer? Be specific in what you want! Write it down and then vocalize it and let the Creator and the Universe do the match making for you! It works, I know that through personal experience! Get out and socialize besides going to church! Life is to be lived! Being cloistered in your house will accomplish no thing! A great teacher once said if you have the faith of mustard seed you can move mountains! No you do not have to have a singular life unless that is what you choose for yourself. You pretty much control what comes into and out of your life! Change your Mind about a condition and the condition will change. Feeling worthy of love is a first step in the right direction! Right now I am single by choice! If i met the right woman for me, I would become married! You have the right of choice of who comes into and out of your life!
Just remember no one is perfect and we all have flaws! True love is learning to over look the flaws and you also must be absolutely sure that you want to get hooked up with someone! When you are peace with yourself you can be at peace with others. When you love yourself, you can love others! I am not religious but I am very Spiritual and there is a difference! Good luck with your life, may you find happiness!

I'm sorry, but I am pretty sure Godhas been suspended from Yahoo questions for telling the truth.

God will decide if you are good and virtuous, not you.

She's trying to tell you to become a nun.

I am telling you that you do not need a man to be happy. Look at the way that you think about the world around you, and what you think about yourself.You do not "need" anyone or anything in order to be happy. You must simply ignore the thoughts and feelings that make you unhappy, realise that they are false, they are things that you have learned only through conditioning.

Society is a mess in general. Good men and women are few and far between. He is teaching you discernment. He is making sure you don't settle for some nonsense person. He is testing to see if you will settle.
My husband waited 43 years for me. I unfortunately made many mistakes and settled again and again and was in great misery. Then Finlay I met a very good and godly soul (my husband) and I can plainly see the difference. I guess I was not discerning before and I didn't think there was someone out there of the standard I was looking for. But he was out there, it just took a lot of lessons to finally come to him. Stay true to what you discern to be a good man, otherwise you will not be happy in a lack luster relationship. Hope this puts some light on the subject.
Gauranga! (gore-runga) May the greatest good and highest joy be yours!

God does not meddle with your affairs of the heart.
It is your friends who would like to see you "grounded and settled". For some reason or another, they seem to care about you.
They will give up on you and just say to themselves they had done everything they could. It is human .
Dont read too much into the types of men they try to introduce to you. They introduce every single legally availlable man to the single ladies.
If you think the good ones are already taken, you are right. Every woman knows that.
Dont believe for a moment that the best apple on the tree will simply fall down from the tree roll down the hill, hitch a ride on the bus, and ring the doorbell of your door and say:
"Here I am!"
You must actively participate in looking out for single legally available men yourself. If all you want to tell them is "I am not F&%ing interested in finding anyone" then let them know in no uncertain terms. They will be sad but respect your wishes.
Keep the friends though.

God is not trying to tell you anything. I'm not going into the debate as to whether God exists or not, but those who believe realize you have been given the freedom of choice. Obviously, you have been making the wrong choices.

I have stated this in other posts, but here it goes again... Meet people while participating in activities you enjoy. This way you will meet people that share your interests. This way you will have more in common which will set up stronger bonds. Also, even if you don't meet anyone, you will be having a good time.

If you are waiting for the perfect man then you have a long wait. No one is perfect and even if they were God fearing, there would be something about them that you would not like.
In any relationship there is bad and good. You have to accept a person for who they are and not look for perfection because it does not exist.
You are forty years old now and most men have baggage that comes with them at this time in their life. If a man does not have the baggage at this time in his life then he probably would not be someone that you would care to be with anyway.
If you are religious as you say then leave it up to God. Live each day and just be happy. If God wants a man in your life then he will profide you with one. Go on and take chances and date because you never know there may be that great guy out there after all.
I have a friend that just divorced a few years back and she found her perfect man. He had a little baggage but not bad, just a daughter, but she was already out on her own.
My friend dated several men before she found the perfect one.
There is a man out there for you, but I would just date and enjoy what I could and not look for him. As long as you look you will not find! Stop looking and just enjoy and he will come along when you are not expecting it if God chooses it to be so.

Learn to love yourself, be happy alone, and quit looking for a man! Men have their purpose, but if you don't like yourself, having a man isn't going to make you happy, either.

You need to develop your ability to think for yourself and not whine to an entity who will never answer you (especially in this forum!). Take control of your OWN life and quit having a pity party, and ask yourself, why am I 42 and still unmarried? Ask your friends and family why they think you are, and listen to them, no matter what they say - they will probably tell you things you won't want to hear, but you obviously need to hear them, or you wouldn't still be alone.

Sometimes the truth hurts, but if you want to move forward in your life, you need to hear it and learn. Also, consider therapy, it can't hurt either. Good luck.