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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your one wish that if it was fulfilled it would leave you atleast conten

Question:To sit down and actually spend time and talk to any musician/band that has inspired me. To be able to tell them "thank you" for everything they're music has done for me. Not like backstage at a concert, where you shake their hand, get their autograph and have to leave. I mean, sit down..maybe for lunch, and talk about all sorts of things.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To sit down and actually spend time and talk to any musician/band that has inspired me. To be able to tell them "thank you" for everything they're music has done for me. Not like backstage at a concert, where you shake their hand, get their autograph and have to leave. I mean, sit down..maybe for lunch, and talk about all sorts of things.

My children would always be alright.

To win one of those 200 million dollar lotteries. Money can't buy love or happiness but I can sure increase your chances. I would at least be content.

My wife would become mute.

to learn the secret of life

Im sorry to say this, but to have enough money!

I just want to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted.

That I could have all my children near and for all of them to be well and healthy

That the world become a peaceful utopia. How could there be any other wish?

Reasonably good health.

To find the one person who would make me happy.