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Position:Home>Philosophy> ....whats the meaning of life???

Question:is there any purpose??...we r all gonna die anyway!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is there any purpose??...we r all gonna die anyway!!!!

The meaning of life is whatever you choose to try and make it mean or what it means to you at this very moment.

As for why we're all here...We don't even have a guarantee we'll learn the answer to that when we die. Not at this point in time, anyway.


I've been workign on this question for years! Love - that's the meaning of life, I reckon.

The life is test and you will know the result after the death

there is no purpose - just be kind.

To make friends out of enemies

the basic idea to just exist to live love feed and reproduce
Everything has that meaning imprinted into its instincts but if you were to listen to douglas adams that must be wrong because "...If ever we were to discover the meaning of life, life itself would instantly cease and would be replaced by something far greater and much more complicated...some people also say that has already happend"

Hey good Q natoosha
Well ummmm I think it's to enjoy it. To learn we are all human and make mistakes but just to make the world a better place and pass knowledge to our children so they pass it on.....and to make humanity kind, respectable and to make a happy world.

Without sounding like i am passing judgment I would say that your purpose in life for at least right now would be to figure out what has happened that has taken someone that describes themselves as a nice lovable person could be trying to find a black and white answer to a very gray question, with we are all gonna die anyway, very dark reason to look for an answer, but to each their own. What is important is you find what you are looking for. Basically the purpose or meaning of your life lies within you. Everyone views this question in different ways. My opinion would co-inside with the point of you asking this question...trying to make sense of it all and understanding our life. How to confront issues in our life, enjoy the good times and knowing when to do which. No one is perfect even if we think we know the answer to this question for ourselves individually that still doesn't mean we will get it right every time. We would have to be perfect of mind and soul. I would have to say the first part would be to be humbled accept your flaws so you can improve upon them and do what you can to help others do the same, atleast that is a start.
Once again I mean do disrespect to the asker, only trying to use the info on hand to help relate my answer the best way possible and to help, that is why we are on here anyway.....