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Position:Home>Philosophy> When was the last time you asked yourself "Am I for real?"? what broug

Question:It has been five years since I last asked myself that question. I was reading about quantum physics and probability. I wondered if I or anything around me was for real. Well, I made up my mind, and I've never had a doubt in my head since.

My conclusion: Duh! I exist.

The very fact that I am thinking allows me to say, yes I am real. Although the world may not be as I see it, I do know that I exist, and that is the realest thing that I have. All else is mere speculation and belief.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It has been five years since I last asked myself that question. I was reading about quantum physics and probability. I wondered if I or anything around me was for real. Well, I made up my mind, and I've never had a doubt in my head since.

My conclusion: Duh! I exist.

The very fact that I am thinking allows me to say, yes I am real. Although the world may not be as I see it, I do know that I exist, and that is the realest thing that I have. All else is mere speculation and belief.

When I woke up hung-over, and the last thing I remembered was being on E-bay!

I dont know if I ever asked that question.

"Are you in a universe which is ruled by natural laws and, therefore, is stable, firm, absolute—and knowable? Or are you in an incomprehensible chaos, a realm of inexplicable miracles, an unpredictable, unknowable flux, which your mind is impotent to grasp? Are the things you see around you real—or are they only an illusion? Do they exist independent of any observer—or are they created by the observer? Are they the object or the subject of man's consciousness? Are they what they are—or can they be changed by a mere act of your consciousness, such as a wish?"