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Position:Home>Philosophy> Hello...whats happening...have i been reincarnated?

Question:Supposedly, reincarnation happens at birth; not in the middle of one's life span. So I'd say, nope.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Supposedly, reincarnation happens at birth; not in the middle of one's life span. So I'd say, nope.

No dear. It was easter yesterday. Take those preachers with a grain of salt. The earth as usual at his time of the year turning for spring.

if im reincarnated i hope i come back as someone mega rich and famous. but i tend to think once u die u dont come back here anyway.

You asked that last time you were here. Don't you remember?!

It is up to you to truly make that assumption or not...

Look into your dreams as a sort of portal....think about ALL the dreams you have had and see if there is a theme at all...

Is there any culture that you feel a drawing to...

Do you know certain things about cultures and countries that you have never been taught...

There is a lot of evidence to show past knowledge that is imprinted in the brains memories....

You will know if you will feel it...

not you again

no, no - re incarcerated!