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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does the future inspire you?

Question:that's the question!!!

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Because I know I am going to living there and so I want to make it as good for myself as possible.

Tomorrow is a mystery...I'm full of anticipation...

The future inspires me most because i know there are coming generations who will live by their generations and depends on it. And i should contribute something good and with a great purpose to preserve the Mother Nature. This great planet will be the same planet these future generations will live on.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!


Because Ultimately the Truth May Well Be Known.

i dont know

It's the present that inspires me and not the future.The future is full of surprises and I love surprises.

Great Question!!! I have always been an optimist about the future, though usually a cynic about the present. But what is it about the future that gives me hope? It is the belief that people at their core are good. I know that their are many out there who have done evil things to complete strangers, and even worse, to the people that they love. This fact, however, does not diminish my hope for the future. Rather it is people's reaction to this evil, to the trying times they face, which gives me the most inspiration. No one embodies this more than Anne Frank. Ever since I was a teenager reading her words, it has always touched me. "Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." After reading her words, watching my children grow, and being treated well by a complete stranger I have no choice but to feel inspired about what the future holds.

I'm afraid I don't find America's future prospects inspiring at the moment.

When it comes to global warming and alternative fuel sources, we Americans have said much, but accomplished little.

When it comes to our economy, we get most of our manufactured goods, and a owe a huge amount of money to, China, a potential enemy.

Now that we've waged a pre-emptive war against Iraq and sanctioned the use of torture on detainees, we have lost the credibility necessary to address human rights abuses in other countries. We have also lost the respect of our allies.

We also treat the troops, whom we're supposed to be supporting, like tissue paper. We sent them to Iraq with inadequate numbers and equipment and we've run them ragged with multiple tours of duty. For many years, our veterans' hospitals and health care have been a national disgrace. A fourth of the homeless are veterans, which speaks poorly of mental health care for our fighters.

Wow, that will make all kinds of people want to join the armed forces, right? Wrong.

Thanks to a scofflaw Republican administration and a great many spineless Democrats, the government can spy on, and detain, anyone it feels like labeling as a national security threat.

Though no one likes to come right out and say it, maintaining the quality of our infrastructure may one day prove to be prohibitively expensive.

And these are just some of our problems.

America is a nation that pays endless lip service to public and official resolve to solve problems that we've barely lifted a finger to address.

I will find the future more inspiring when, or if, we rise above that level.
