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Position:Home>Philosophy> What in the world ...?

Question:... is that thing over there, no, not that thing! That other thing over there, by the bicycle. No! Not that! Yeah, yeah that! What is it>?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ... is that thing over there, no, not that thing! That other thing over there, by the bicycle. No! Not that! Yeah, yeah that! What is it>?

you i guess......

its that thing...ya know..THE thing

don't put your lips on it!

Go poke it with a stick.

While I'm on the same subject as the last question I answered [which was I think.. baseball?], why do people even feel the need to make such stupid contractions and/or variations of words that are perfectly fine.

Like the word "phenom" for instance. I ran out of pity and all that's left is annoyance, this is some srsz bizness.

my guess is........ its a beaver........they are sneaky like that
