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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is knowledge and wisdom enough to conquer evil. ?

Question:That depends on whether you know enough and are wise enough to tell what is truly evil and what is just someone else's good.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That depends on whether you know enough and are wise enough to tell what is truly evil and what is just someone else's good.

all 3 concepts are so subjective as to be meaningless

Well it's all we've got, so it better be.

Well, it depends on what you are looking for in your search for knowledge. Do you want 'the ultimate truth' to conquer all with goodness, or are you just looking for a way to stop telling yourself it's ok to have a smoke once and a while? That would be your first question...since it depends on what kind of evil you want to conquer.

Second, and lastly, wise people can always act against evil, but they may not 'conquer' it. Wisdom is not just knowing the difference between good and evil, it is also being able to be good effectively in the world, but depending on the definiton of evil (and there are many) wise people can't always convince everyone else about what is really good for them, so unfortunately, bad things still happen sometimes. If we could all be wise, or maybe even just all agree on a definition of good that is more helpful than hurtful, we would probably be alright, but humans have been alive a long time, and they are still wondering (and in some cases arguing and fighting!) about it.

A way of attempting to show that the argument about evil does not even get started is by appealing to the proposition that there is no best of all possible worlds. Here the basic idea is that if for every possible world, however good, there is a better one, then the fact that this world could be improved upon does not give one any reason for concluding that, to conquer evil would make a real difference.

I would be inclined to believe that true knowlege and wisdom would ultimately lead to the conclusion that there is no real evil. It's merely a concept, an opposing viewpoint.

i agree with wandering dreamer. GOOD ANSWER!!!! well said.

Only The Holy Spirit in you can conquer it. <')))><

One must posses the understanding to apply their accumulated wisdom and knowledge. Without understanding wisdom and knowledge are useless.