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Question:the only friend you can count on for real?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the only friend you can count on for real?

My real friend is deeper than that and it can give some real stuff that my consciousness over looks I come from the id

Live Long Live Free

It is my consciousness, but it is not really tired...

It's not a friend -- it's an enemy.
We must destroy indolence and apathy!

My c-ness doesn't tire.

tired or not, you still need to hear it.

no, it also fails me... I can count on my Creator, He's the only One who doesn't fail me...

conciousness is a condition reflex,reflexes should be changed either it will be tired

"Tired" and "Consciousness" is antithetical, is an inequation. No one who subsists can have these, not even for a moment and exist, much less reach 'that' state in which somewhat friendship is made possible, "real" but only by supposition.

...only in the sense that it's tiredness is a warning to rest