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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is happiness a matter of chance?

Question:No. If it were, no one would choose unhappiness. It seems to me that happiness is mainly a matter of circumstance. People with easier, more privileged lives are usually happier than people whose lives are difficult and unfortunate.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No. If it were, no one would choose unhappiness. It seems to me that happiness is mainly a matter of circumstance. People with easier, more privileged lives are usually happier than people whose lives are difficult and unfortunate.

No its the greatest Gift that we/you posess

Of course not - I truly believe life is what you make it and happiness comes in many shapes and forms - I have been through a tough few years and could have come out of it and made my life and my kids life miserable and unhappy but I chose to turn things around and make the most of what we have and bring happiness into our house and lives :-)

its a matter of choice

more so that of being within the situation or circumstance at the time, chances are within yourself to seek that of the happiness found therein,?

happiness is a choice

no way, we can change aspects of our life to make us happier :)
we are in control of our happiness

The state of satisfaction and dissatisfaction is a matter of genetics. *g*

Happiness is not chance it is a fleeting experience.

Contentment is an achievable mindset which will include periods of happiness and sometimes periods of sadness because without sadness how will you know that you are happy?

No like anything you need to work at it. On a lighter note someone told me that eating bananas makes you happy - releases some happy endorphins or something!

no i don,t believe its what you make it i have tried and tried but fate has stepped in every time,i have tried to live my life being good and caring,i have never done anyone any harm but the things that have happened to me is now getting too much to bear,if i ever find something nice happening to me then seconds later something horrible dashes it down,i am thinking there is truth about being born under an unlucky star

Happiness is a state of mind and never a matter of chance.... just because you can't see the root cause of something does not mean it didn't have one..... all things have a root cause... find the roots that make you happy and you'll have happiness every day.


Is happiness a matter of chance?

Yeah...I think it is, after all happiness comes from the people you meet, the interaction that you share with them and at the end of the day whether you believe in fate or coincidence each person that you meet is a miracle and it's in the little miracles that we find happiness, so yeah..I say that happiness is a matter of chance because every moment that makes you feel happy is a miracle in itself.

I don't know - I was totally happy - in spite of many difficult times - and then my beloved grandson died suddenly. I will never know 'happiness' again

I really think it means how you define happiness.

For me, there's a difference between happiness and joy.

Happiness is usually the result of external circumstances; money & other resources, a decent occupation, a supportive partner and plenty of other outside influences.

Joy, on the other hand, is something that's entirely independent upon outer circumstances. Joy is something that comes from within and is rarely, if ever, influenced by external events.

For instance, a dying person may not be happy, but they can still have joy at a life well-lived.

And a person who wins some money may be happy - for a short time anyway - but may not have any joy inside them.

It's also not as simple as saying, "it's a matter of choice," because happiness (versus joy) is massively influenced by things that are often completely out of our control, specifically biochemistry. Dopamine, one of the chemicals in our brains that influences mood, is a huge contributor. Those whose brains don't process dopamine properly will have a very difficult time getting, and staying, happy. That's not a choice at all, it's a matter of biochemistry.

It is a choice not a chance

All things flow freely, as the fish swims in water.
-Zen saying

happiness is a cigar called hamlet

No, it is a conscious choice we all must make. We are responsible for our own happiness.

No. It's true that one is not to struggle to be happy, but he or she is supposed to pave the road to happiness. I mean, to make it easier to happen.

"hap" means luck