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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we really need to do anything?

Question:People as a group or as individuals will always be in the process of something. We're hard wired for this. Additionally, our physical functions are designed in conjunction with activity. Some internal functions don't perform as well or efficiently with out activity. The normal state of a human is to be on the move. Not necessarily in terms of distance, but in activity. Even the word "fun", is defined as, "activity without purpose." We always have to be doing something. How's that? Way off the mark compared to what you had in mind???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: People as a group or as individuals will always be in the process of something. We're hard wired for this. Additionally, our physical functions are designed in conjunction with activity. Some internal functions don't perform as well or efficiently with out activity. The normal state of a human is to be on the move. Not necessarily in terms of distance, but in activity. Even the word "fun", is defined as, "activity without purpose." We always have to be doing something. How's that? Way off the mark compared to what you had in mind???

About what.
do we need to do anything about Iraq
or do we NEED to do something about this mentality of NEED!

haha of course. or else you get bored out of your mind

yeah,i think we do.

To survive and to do so in a way that makes us believe it is important for us to continue to survive.

What would be our purpose if we didn't do anything?

No just sleep....let it done by itself.

By choosing to do nothing, we have decided a definite course of action, therefore we have done something. Something, may then be loosley amalgamated within the concept of anything. Whether we need to or not, we have no choice. Simply by being we are doing.

We really need to take care of ourselves. The best way is to have a regular routine in life. Like this one for example.

Drink milk: do exercise, shop for groceries; give wholesome advice to children; protect children; water mist our plants daily; and keep our guns, and ammo in good working order;visit our favorite Italian banker for a haircut or other things; warn children about strangers..