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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is meaning of life?

Question:<sorry for the long ans.>
hmmm...the "meaning" of life is unknown, if talking of facts. but, we can say what it is, its just a dimension, a realm of existence, where we are programmed to live and survive.

now thats the scientific defintion...

the 'moral' definition is -
there's no meaning of life until you make a meaning out of it...that is, life's not about just being born, then getting education, having fun , then getting a nice job or good money, having fun, then getting married, having fun, then later retiring and then one day lying on the death bed. i am not being criticisive about anyone here, but the majority lives life like that, and this kind of life is inclined more towards "meaninglessness"....
however when during all this, if one 'drinks' enough of joy, enjoying moment to moment, keeps himself/herself filled with positive energy, there's a meaningful life.
And to go beyond, if one does anything helpful for others, anonymously or unanonymously, there you have a truly meaningful and purposeful life!! woosh!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: <sorry for the long ans.>
hmmm...the "meaning" of life is unknown, if talking of facts. but, we can say what it is, its just a dimension, a realm of existence, where we are programmed to live and survive.

now thats the scientific defintion...

the 'moral' definition is -
there's no meaning of life until you make a meaning out of it...that is, life's not about just being born, then getting education, having fun , then getting a nice job or good money, having fun, then getting married, having fun, then later retiring and then one day lying on the death bed. i am not being criticisive about anyone here, but the majority lives life like that, and this kind of life is inclined more towards "meaninglessness"....
however when during all this, if one 'drinks' enough of joy, enjoying moment to moment, keeps himself/herself filled with positive energy, there's a meaningful life.
And to go beyond, if one does anything helpful for others, anonymously or unanonymously, there you have a truly meaningful and purposeful life!! woosh!

there is none really. we just live to die. right when your born your like a bomb bound to set off.

how many times do people ask this question on here!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I think happiness is important!

To live and yearn for happiness.

meaning of life is to live. you exist. you should live.


from the rocky and Bullwinkle show...

Rocky: Again? but that trick never works.
Bullwinkle: This time for sure! Nothing up my sleeve. Presto!

Last time I looked at one the interminable versions of this question (l declined to weigh in), some clever answerer had referenced the wikipedia article on the topic. I followed the link and was actually quite favorably impressed with the article.

Go forth and find it (either the article or your own meaning for your own life).

P.S. I think I may make the current meaning of my life to dedicate myself to eradication of the careless confusion of "your" (possessive) with "you're" (the contraction for you are) along with the use of "text-ism" (e.g. "u" for "you" and "r" for "are", etc.).

How many folks like the irony of me condemning the short hand versions of r and u whilst using the abbreviations e.g. and etc.? Show of hands, please.

no on on here can answer that. you have to find your own meaning

Life seems to be a blessing of opportunity, so seize the day and don't sweat it tomorrow is not promised

To have meaning in your life....I think its as simple as that...

I answered the same question not long ago.

There is no meaning of life. People always try and look for the meaning but there isn't one. If you ask , whats the point of life , that is easily answered- the point is what you make it.

As humans we will never know the purpose or meaning of life, why we are here or what happens after this life. It's a b*tch but that is the truth of it. You can only look for peace and contentment within your own self. In the end that is all you have control over.