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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think atheist are good people?

Question:I would say no more or less, percentagewise, than theists. The difference, though, is that a "good" atheist chooses to do so for logical, supprotable reasons. Many, but not all "good" theists act in such a way in order to avoid going to hell.

I view this as egotistical self-interest, and it is as far from altruism as is possible.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would say no more or less, percentagewise, than theists. The difference, though, is that a "good" atheist chooses to do so for logical, supprotable reasons. Many, but not all "good" theists act in such a way in order to avoid going to hell.

I view this as egotistical self-interest, and it is as far from altruism as is possible.

I don't think most common people are good by choice but controlled by fear. Atheists have less fear which may make them better by choice and therefore good because they want to be.

Yes. I believe all people are good. Just because someone is different then ones self does not make them bad. Have a nice day!


I do not think that saying you are of a religion or independent of a religion can make you are good or a bad person. I would say that people that really believe in a higher power have a better change to act morally, however I know far more Christians (in particular) that are Christians in name only paying only lip service to their lord. On the same hand I know as many atheists that live moral lives because it is what is right and not because there is a God telling them to.

So yeah, I think atheists have as decent a shot at being good people as anyone else.

I hope this helps

Rev Phil

I believe there are good people regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

it is the same for christians and muslims and hindus etc...
there are too many atheists to generalize them as being good or bad. an atheist can be good or a bad person, depending on the person's personality and not his religious beliefs.