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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we not throwing off the balance?

Question:If we chose to do things like abortion and gender selection, aren't we throwing off the balance. There are certain entities that are supposed to be here. If what was supposed to be our next president, but he got aborted, where does that leave us? This would stem even from using birth control. Are we supposed to be controling our population, and has this led us to our demise of late?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If we chose to do things like abortion and gender selection, aren't we throwing off the balance. There are certain entities that are supposed to be here. If what was supposed to be our next president, but he got aborted, where does that leave us? This would stem even from using birth control. Are we supposed to be controling our population, and has this led us to our demise of late?

It's tempting to think that without our intervention, Nature would somewhow be more "on the correct course". But in fact, it would still be in the hands of its stewards, the insects, the fish, the apes, the birds, plant life, earthquakes, etc., asteroid strikes - we're probably no better or worse than anyone else who might have some impact on the planet - in fact we're probably the first to worry about our impact - so it's hard to say - plus WE ARE a PART of Nature - we didn't crash the party here, we were invited - so really Nature made us, including our ability to harness fossile fuels and all the other foolishness we might do - so did Nature goof?

It's hard to really know, given these various factors.

You wrote: "There are certain entities that are supposed to be here."

So, you believe in absolute predetermination? Our next president was chosen to be, before his/her birth?

Then why did predetermination end up in an abortion? It must have been "predetermined."

What "balance"? As far as humanity is concerned, every human living has the right to continue living (unless convicted to death.) There can be no "balance" in humanity except justice.

No, we are not "throwing the balance off."

is it throwing off the balance by deciding not to have sex with someone you like because society frowns upon it? ie you might be too young or encouraged to wait til marriage etc.

would the children who are not being born through abstention save us from this 'demise of late'?

I don't think abortion 'throws off the balance' - if you are talking about a natural balance that is - because animals spontaneously abort when conditions aren't right for them to breed and we humans tend to do by intellectual decision what animals do by instinct so that seems right to me but I suspect gender selection is a bit of a problem - I don't think animals can do this, and people don't necessarily choose what is good for them, or for their community.

No, rather we are throwing the balance off the hook or stands.

Nature itself is an imbalance that self corrects. That is not to say that there is a 'master plan.' Were that the case, being a human in this plane would have a very different meaning; Perhaps more like a lab animal whose environment is controlled by another entity. In the real world we contend against nature to survive. That reality is often lost to those whose lives are so distanced from the struggle that they think the luxuries they now enjoy will continue unabated. A steady food supply, a social safety net, easy access to housing, are all aspects of survival that in our modern world are provided without the personal struggles necessary to make them possible. Could you build the house or apartment building you live in? Can you grow or kill and process the food you eat?

As to the comment "our demise of late"; We live in the most technologically advanced nation on earth, that just happens to be at the forefront of a global transformation. The angst apparent in what passes for modern discourse is an outgrowth of that transformation. Given human nature that is not surprising, as we will often choose unhappiness over uncertainty.