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Position:Home>Philosophy> Someone plz tell me. What is the point of living?

Question:Hi. Your question has no right and wrong answer. For many people, life is all about the quest for happiness. Then again, happiness is such a subjective word that people even debate what it means.

The bottomline is that we all need to set our own standards about the meaning of life and the our quest for happiness. I am past 50 and I have learned that it is important to listen to our inner selves and not be blind believers of things that had been taught to us since childhood. If your inner self is not comfortable with some beliefs, it is possible that you will be an insincere person, uncertain about life and relationships and not being able to find your center.

It is good to listen to advice, read inspirational stories, etc. but your inner self must be able to connect with what you read, hear and learn. In the end it is your life, it is your happiness and you have to take control in charting your destiny.

If you feel frustrated, be easy on yourself and remember that if you leave this world, you could either leave it better or worse than before you came. By being positive alone, you are already helping create a better world.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi. Your question has no right and wrong answer. For many people, life is all about the quest for happiness. Then again, happiness is such a subjective word that people even debate what it means.

The bottomline is that we all need to set our own standards about the meaning of life and the our quest for happiness. I am past 50 and I have learned that it is important to listen to our inner selves and not be blind believers of things that had been taught to us since childhood. If your inner self is not comfortable with some beliefs, it is possible that you will be an insincere person, uncertain about life and relationships and not being able to find your center.

It is good to listen to advice, read inspirational stories, etc. but your inner self must be able to connect with what you read, hear and learn. In the end it is your life, it is your happiness and you have to take control in charting your destiny.

If you feel frustrated, be easy on yourself and remember that if you leave this world, you could either leave it better or worse than before you came. By being positive alone, you are already helping create a better world.

It's trial and error. You try something and if it doesn't work out you still feel fulfilled. It's all about trying your best. Or you could think of it as an obstacle course, when its all over you feel drained but feel great you came so far. There is no point to human life, it just exists. Maybe we exist to think and to reason.

Whatever you want it to be.

Life is a journey....enjoy the trip... live as though every day is your last.. when you leave earth you may want to look back and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.. and remember do not take everything too seriously.. laugh on the way.. you will shed some tears.. we all do... but it can be such fun.. it is what you make it.. enjoy!!!

if everyone can touch someone elses life in a profound way, then that is the point

Continuation of the species .. other than that it's what you make it. Happy Easter

To discover a path for yourself that you may enjoy and be fulfilled in life. There are many reasons to live and everyone's reason is slightly different, but most people would say it is to find love, procreate...something along those lines. Others say it is to be famous, create art, etc.

the point of living is to find the someone you love!!

I'd say helping others. Making your environment better then when you found it. Best wishes

you could search the same question and find what other people said, instead of asking the same question
that way you'll broaden your perspective and tolerate a variety of viewpoints

Life is a gift.

Everything. Finding love, losing it and finding it again. Finding wisdom and learning from your mistakes. A joke that makes you laugh, a story that makes you cry. Challenges that make you think and tradgedies that make you grateful. Sunny days, a baby's laugh, angels in the snow. Remembering those that are no longer with us, appreciating those that surround us. And more than can be listed in a lifetime. Life is what you make it, so make it worth living.

I think it is different for each and every person.

For me, personally, I believe that we are all here to help one another out. I think our mission here is to make this world just a little bit better place than it was when we got here. MY purpose in living is to raise my wonderful children, and, look for ways that I can make another's day a bit happier.

You know, if we all did just a little, it would be A LOT.

why would life need a point anyway?
but you can live a life of points and purposes,

The point is to make a positive contribution. If you are not contributing to the progression of our species then you are not living, and are certainly shirking your responsibility as a human. We must all choose the path to enlightenment, or our suffering has no end.

Seeking answers is a quagmire of dependency, we are designed to always ask the question. Those who think we have any connection to animals do not understand the nature of the Universe...animals are designed to never ask the question (instinct). The true mathematics of the Universe still elude the scientific community because the empirical consensus is controlled by a nefarious civility that despises true discovery.

We have a purpose and are here to seek meaning. Until then the atrocities of human history will continue to repeat themselves.

First how in the world could you come here with no name or profile?

Second excluding man that deals with such questions on a philosophical level. All of the other living creatures on earth tell man it is to live and survive and seek and fight for the continuance of its species existence. No matter what circumstances are in their environmental surroundings.

If man is a creature of evolution and did not have the intelligence at one time to not ponder this question than I think the "mission" for man has not changed.

Since that is the case then we ourselves must find our own purpose for life and seek the better good for not just ourself but for others and help other living creatures of earth to maintain their existence as well. Later.

The point is what you make it.