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Question:ONE hour of conscious breathing.
10 points to the person who does it first.

what that means is that for one hour, you must deliberatly inhale and exhale each breathe and be totally aware of it.
If at anytime you slip even for a second, that hour is lost and you have to do it again another time.
people can go years without being able to do this.

goodluck and have fun

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ONE hour of conscious breathing.
10 points to the person who does it first.

what that means is that for one hour, you must deliberatly inhale and exhale each breathe and be totally aware of it.
If at anytime you slip even for a second, that hour is lost and you have to do it again another time.
people can go years without being able to do this.

goodluck and have fun

I'm on it. I'll edit my answer in an hour and let you know what it did for me.

Great challenge!

Okay, I finally accomplished this task.

It took a few tries, as I kept getting interrupted.

I feel really calmed and focused after your challenge. While breathing I concentrated on the feel of the air going in and out of my ,lungs and on the rhythm of my breathing.

In no time at all I was near hypnotized by it all and found that when my alarm wen off at the end of an hour, I had to actively rouse myself into full and alert consciousness.

As I said, I now feel calmed and focused.

Very cool challenge!! I'll be doing this more often.

What happens when ts complete? Do I then understand the meaning of life?

Edit: Ew Now that I've been doing it for like 5 min, I can't stop! what have u done. I keep noticing it and I want to stop!

ok, i'll give it a try..


oh god, an hour? I get stressed after realising I'm doing it for 5 min, is it even possible? :p

Nice challenge. Have a star.

I'm in 12th grade.
We were assigned this as a homework assignment in 8th grade health.
My mom even signed the form.

So yes, I've done this.

And I've managed to do this again.
It's redick hard!
I was listening to music and then i just zoned.
So i turned it off and thought about breathing for an entire hour. hah.
Mad props for this challenge!

I'll give this a try because I knew all day that I needed to do something like this or at least attempt it. Sadly I have to wait till the family goes to sleep and they demand my attention. I could care less about the competition, I'm like those people who run marathons with no chance to win but completing the course is the goal and this challenge is more worthwhile in my opinion.

UPDATE: I completed my meditation at 12:30am Easter morning. I'm not certain if it qualifies. I focused on my breathing and was aware of every breath. I did this at the edge of my bed as the family slept. I set my alarm clock for one hour and 10 minutes from my starting time. I had unwanted thoughts come up constantly and kept focusing myself back to the task at hand. While unwanted thoughts diminished or became stronger I was further distracted by my cat that wanted my affection for a short time and when I got focused again and my thoughts were cooperating I heard my daughter panicking and calling for her Mom as she had a bad dream. It took considerable concentration to focus as I felt her fear at the edge of my awareness for a couple of minutes after she stopped. I told my wife abut the experience this morning (she sleeps in a separate bedroom due to my snoring) she thinks I had an unfair advantage because she's convinced that that's my natural state and that I should endeavor to be more active instead. I accepted her comments with the appropriate humor they deserve.

Thank you for this challenge, I plan to do this often now. ?

I can't Lie about accepting a challenge that I
couldn't possibly win. That is way out of my
comfort zone. Good Luck to the winner.

Will you accept mine - one moment of conscious living?

its my day off I'd dont want to waste a moment of my life meditating right now. Maybe for 30 seconds.