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Position:Home>Philosophy> I wrote this as the introduction of my photo book, what do you think?

Question:My perspective on the world is one of undecided conclusion no matter my opinion, my views can be as wide as a fantastic clear night where the starry sky seems to peel your eyes back, hyper extending ones’ peripheral view bringing infinity to your to your finger tips. At other times, it seems as though I get caught up in some obscure detail leaving me feeling as if I’ve missed the point. Some times there is no stop in the psychological babel stomping around in my head while other times, its being profoundly apart of the now. In the end how ever, I try share a story, some are of the stillness while others are about the shifting light within the vastness. If only one thing can be found in each of these stories, its that each is, of its own and genuinely true to its self. There is no need to feel tricked, there is no reading between the lines, what you see is what you see . My goal is to promote grace, my tool is this time capturing device of a camera, which enables me to bring back a little something to share with you. Maybe you will be able to stop and join me in my perspective of reality, in its own light.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My perspective on the world is one of undecided conclusion no matter my opinion, my views can be as wide as a fantastic clear night where the starry sky seems to peel your eyes back, hyper extending ones’ peripheral view bringing infinity to your to your finger tips. At other times, it seems as though I get caught up in some obscure detail leaving me feeling as if I’ve missed the point. Some times there is no stop in the psychological babel stomping around in my head while other times, its being profoundly apart of the now. In the end how ever, I try share a story, some are of the stillness while others are about the shifting light within the vastness. If only one thing can be found in each of these stories, its that each is, of its own and genuinely true to its self. There is no need to feel tricked, there is no reading between the lines, what you see is what you see . My goal is to promote grace, my tool is this time capturing device of a camera, which enables me to bring back a little something to share with you. Maybe you will be able to stop and join me in my perspective of reality, in its own light.

I am speechless...this is such a beautiful piece of writing... You have conveyed your passion and motives for taking photographs stunningly.

*thats cool ....

I admire you for these words.