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Position:Home>Philosophy> Summarize cultural absolutism in laymans terms?

Question:It is a cultural absolute that either you are a student looking for easy answers;

or you are a professor or grad student who gets to grade all the papers containing the answers you see in these questions! You are looking for the copy cats!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is a cultural absolute that either you are a student looking for easy answers;

or you are a professor or grad student who gets to grade all the papers containing the answers you see in these questions! You are looking for the copy cats!

In European history, absolutism is used to describe the reign of Louis XIV. It basically means that he had the sole right to run France according to his wishes. (Naturally, the French population was conned into believing that God wanted him to do this.) He once said "L'état, c'est moi." (The state? It's me.)

Basically absolutism means nothing more than iron-clad dictatorship.

(By the way, Robin Fox, in "Encounter with Anthropology" said that all cultures are massive con jobs. This was definitely true with French culture before the enlightenment, and it is also true of American culture today.)

Harleigh Kyson Jr.