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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you are out there, where does the line end when lonelyness begins?

Question:march 23,2008

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: march 23,2008

Finding yourself is to use yourself as a substitute for another.

The key to resolving loneliness is to let go of the fear of being alone. There is nothing to fear in being alone. When anyone can enjoy being alone, they stop being needy, clingy and dependent on others. They can then enjoy the company of others -- and themselves.

When you find your beloved or when you let smn love you. Don't listen to that crap Ziggy wrote below us..he obviously didn't hear about the various creation myths amongst major world relgions...why did God create a mate or even us?...for company......We all need matter how sure we are of ourselves.

When life has no meaning, no hope.

Don't listen to that crap above me. Finding "someone" isn't the answer to loneliness.

At the risk of sounding very cheesey, the answer is to find yourself.

The worst thing you can do is get in a cycle where you allow your happiness and well being to be determined by someone else. That's not love, that's not happiness - that's codependency.

Work on yourself. See a shrink. Do drugs. Whatever...don't just latch onto another sad sap and wallow in misery together and call it something else.

I feel loneliness begins with the realization that we are lonely and for me that moment of realization is the starting point of loneliness......

"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

When you have lost your everything- love, loved ones, possessions.......... everything even hope. that's the point where lonliness begins.

I think loneliness is always there from the start of our lives.
We build up over it with friendships and the like, then when they start to dwindle we start to see that loneliness again, like when paint starts to peel off of a house or a shed and you see the old color showing through.