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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the one thing you want most out of life?

Question:Mine is to be successfull when i am done with college and meet my other half someday, which will be another lesbian =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mine is to be successfull when i am done with college and meet my other half someday, which will be another lesbian =]

The thing that I want most out of my life is to know that I helped as many people as I possibly could. I want to know that my life wasn't lived in vain.

to make a difference. i know it sounds cliche but it's what i want.


one will graduate college and be successful but the most important is to be able to trust again.

To be a Crackpot and find peace in my life

Unconditional love.

To live by my own means and never sacrifice a high value for a lower value and never ask another person or make them sacrifice for me to get ahead in life.

Genes & Memes (aka ideas)

We all die.

Sucess is defined by what we leave behind.

I want my children to be successful. I want my ideas to help them and their countrymen.

I want success as defined by Darwin.

success in my business and financial freedom.


Then success.

Then wealth.



Financial freedom, legendary status as a animator/CEO(sounds egotistical but I'm talking about a lesser legendary status), happiness, true friendship with another, love with my other half, which I seriously think is hiding on some...uncharted location. Lastly, I want peace to coexist with pigeons and humanity, forever.

To find and marry my other half. Mine will be a dude! *sm*

Financial security.Good luck on meeting another lady!