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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could do one thing to make this world a better place what would you do?

Question:make sure everyone knows that we are all humans with same feelings and should love,care and help each other

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: make sure everyone knows that we are all humans with same feelings and should love,care and help each other

throw away some trash.

create world peace.

end world hunger.

murder my friend's ex boyfriends :)

shoot all the begrudgers.

Give everyone cake..

Get rid of the Labour government and the EEC.

Make Money Not Matter :) x

Stop wars

Remove ignorance and make narrow minds broad ones.

make you smile .........did it work ?

Ban all political parties.

They only exist to divide us,

Lock paedophiles up for life. They are the most vile form of life imaginable and don't deserve their freedom.

Promote myself to World President and pass laws which everyone has to abide by.
Then there would be no war, poverty, starvation and global warming would stop.

Hit the system restore button and start the world
all over again.

get rid of yanks !

Push the space program. With a major push toward space, employment will go up and the emphasis on education will be more important than ever. Even children in third world countries will get a trickle down effect as more young men pursue education instead of bombs.

I would make sure everyone in this world treated each other with respect and love!


no becuase peopple like you take credit for also being like me so that would make people i car eabout feel bad.,thanks for the bored insider tease

love, I would love.

Gei rid of all the lemmings once they are all gone world will be a better place

Spread the harmonious power of funk music to as many souls as possible. Nothing like a funked-up bassline to raise the spirits.

bring peace